covid test reimbursement from Cigna

covid test reimbursement from Cigna

Question for my ascension co-workers on here. Who all has bought covid tests in a store like Walmart, CVS, etc and submitted a over the counter reimbursement claim form? I sent mine out Feb 1st to Cigna, followed the directions EXACTLY, and haven’t received anything back. Cigna owes me 85.09 for my test kits I ordered that are supposed to be covered and reimbursed. I called Cigna last month and they claim they don’t have updates. So I called yesterday again. 2 hrs, 33 minutes was my total call time. Spoke to FIVE people. The first 3 didn’t know anything of the Cigna claim form at all. Kept transferring me to other departments. The 4th person seemed to be making progress and “spoke to someone” who says they see they received my form, but couldn’t see the details. I felt like he was lying also. Eventually, he transferred me to a 5th guy who kept putting me on hold while “researching” multiple times. He eventually claimed he sees my claim form and receipt and that they are just backed up. So I’m like, okay how much do you see the receipt is for? He responds “ohh umm ummm um… I don’t see the exact amount.” Caught in his own lie and got lost on what to say. I don’t understand how hard this can be. Someone gets the mail, scans in the forms, attaches it to your account, and should all be visible. Eventually this same last guy says ohhh, your medical expired in 2020. I’m like what, there’s no way it expired, and this is a prescription card that was issues Jan 1st, 2022. So he’s like okay hold while I research. He then comes and says it was filed under medical and not pharmacy which is why I never got it. At this point, 2+ hours later I’m fed up. I tell him does Cigna not want to pay or what. Everyone keeps claiming they don’t know about the form or transfers me. It’s been over 3 months now and explained this whole story. I feel ripped off and just want my 85 dollars back. Insurances take take takes, and never want to pay out. Anyone else having issues or haven’t received the money back from the over the counter test kits? Claim form is under this link under for members, followed to a T. I called smart health also and they said you need to call Cigna as listed in the PDF file.