Covered California Income Limits Explained

Covered California is the name for the health insurance marketplace in California. It allows eligible small businesses and individuals to buy private health insurance policies at subsidized rates. Some families may qualify for up-front tax credits when they enroll in the Covered California Health Exchange. In order to qualify for such credits, certain household income limits must be met. Here’s what you should know about Covered California income limits before keeping or changing yours insurance plan during Open Enrollment 2020.
Federal Poverty Level 2020 Program Eligibility
In order to qualify for government health insurance assistance through Covered California, your household income must be between 0% and 400% of the federal poverty level. For a family of one person, the lowest amount you can make to qualify for a federal tax credit is $0. The highest amount you can make annual and still qualify for a credit is $49,960. The larger your household size, the more money you can make while still qualifying for a federal tax credit. For example, if you have a household size of eight people, you can make up to $173,720 and still qualify for a federal tax credit.
Special Considerations
Pregnant women with household earnings greater than 138% and up to 213% of Covered California income limits may qualify for MAGI Medi-Cal. Also, expecting women with a household income greater than 213% up to 322% of Covered California income limits may be eligible for the Medi-Cal Access program.
American Indian/Alaska Natives (AIAN) qualify for Zero Cost Share if their incomes range between $0 and $37,470 for a single person. For a family of four, household income can be as high as $77,250 to qualify for Zero Cost Share.
Children under 19 years of age may qualify for Medi-Cal if their family has a household income of 266% of FPL or less. Families with an income higher than 266% and up to 322% of FPL may also qualify for C-CHIP health care coverage for children.
Proof of Income Requirements
When you sign up for Covered California health insurance, you may be required to submit documentation proving your household income threshold. These documents may include bank statements, pay stubs or other documents that verify your household income claim. It is possible to lose your health care coverage or ObamaCare subsidy if you fail to provide adequate proof of household income.
Learn More
For more information about Covered California income limits and proof of income requirements, call Sackett & Associates Insurance Services today at 707-823-3689. You can also submit any comment or question through our online form and well get back to you soon.