Coping in a New Land Countrywide Can Help


Every year thousands of people from foreign countries come to the United States as legal immigrants. They have their visas, and they have the authority to live in our neighborhoods. American business benefits significantly. These newcomers bring skills and knowledge used to increase profit margins and accomplish corporate goals. However, management must understand that these new people face difficulties dealing with public agencies and getting needed public services.


It Is More Than the Language Barrier


Many speak a different language, but there is more to the challenges. Many are unfamiliar with the American legal system and come from countries where English common law is not practiced. They are not familiar with public agencies in this country, and the lack of knowledge can hurt.


Needed services such as special education for disabled children, transportation help, and even getting adequate housing can be challenging for anyone who does not know how to approach government offices. People will often go without needed services, even though they qualify for them because they do not know what to do. Organizations can help their foreign-born employees with pre-paid legal services. Not all group legal plans address the need for help dealing with government agencies. Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does offer the kind of assistance that cuts through red tape.


Being a Friend in Need


Countrywide has a nationwide network of attorneys who provide the support that a foreign-born employee can use. Our attorneys are familiar with how government works, and they can share that information with group legal plan members. Matters such as applying for government help, what documentation is necessary, and what agencies to approach are all made easier because a Countrywide attorney is there.

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Our attorneys are recruited for their people skills. They will patiently go step by step how to deal with a given public agency. Something beneficial for a foreign employee is the communication services. A group legal plan member can ask a countrywide attorney to make telephone calls or write letters on legal stationery to help solve problems. A plan member can also make as many telephone calls as necessary on a given subject to the attorney. If a countrywide attorney does not have expertise in areas such as immigration law, Countrywide has a pre-paid legal services benefit that permits referrals at a very reasonable cost. We do everything we can to help those new arrivals navigate the hallways of a government bureaucracy.




The Client Is Part of the Process


Employee benefits should help all the employees and not just a few. Countrywide would like to offer a group legal plan to a prospective client that meets the entire workforce’s needs. We will ask a prospective client to assist in the benefit design.


We explain all our pre-paid legal services to the organization’s management. We will answer all questions thoroughly. Countrywide does not promote one benefit over another; we lay out the facts of every service we provide. We will then ask the decision-makers to determine what benefits will be part of their group legal plan. Those selections will be part of the final plan document. We provide streamlined administration and superior member services.


We want to emphasize our expectations of emotional intelligence. Foreign employees need a little more attention, and they will get that from our attorneys. Setting up meetings with the attorney is simple because our plan members have priority status. Respect and courtesy are what any plan member will get.

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We want to make things easier for those who have just come to this country to work. Employers can count on us to provide the best service for any employee. If you have questions about what we can do, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. We would welcome any opportunity to explain what we can do for your employees.