Consumers are confident in their life insurance exam experience

Consumers are confident in their life insurance exam experience

When it comes to the important step of protecting loved ones with life insurance, consumers do not want to stall or abandon the process due to an unsatisfactory experience. To ensure that our staff and processes are performing to the highest standard, we continuously monitor life insurance applicants’ satisfaction survey results and consumer feedback.

Applicants want a convenient, safe, and positive experience

The pandemic has brought the future security and well-being of families to the forefront of consumers’ minds. Now more than ever, it’s important that insurers and consumers are confident that the life insurance exam is a convenient, safe, and positive experience. With more than 25,000 responses to our consumer satisfaction survey last year, ExamOne closely watches the situation to ensure the quality of the exam experience had not been impacted by outside factors. Fortunately, during the crisis, our exam and phlebotomy staff maintained their positive attitudes. Accordingly, our survey found that 98% of respondents reported that “the examiner was courteous and professional.”

“The process was efficient and thorough. I sincerely appreciate the friendliness of the staff at Quest Diagnostics Patient Service Center. It was an enjoyable experience throughout. Thank you!” – Life insurance applicant

The majority of respondents are satisfied with their ExamOne experience. ExamOne’s Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) score in 2020 was 93% (on a scale of 100). While CSAT scores vary by industry, a good score will typically fall between 75% and 85%. According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index, an organization that benchmarks customer experience across industries, the life insurance industry average CSAT is 78%.

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“I am really pleased. First, I especially like how the lab results are displayed. It is easy to understand. Also, it shows the condition/status of body systems and give clues to what might be out of balance. I can’t think of anything to improve.” – Life insurance applicant

Engaging with applicants helps completion rates and relationships

One of the additional no-cost benefits for life insurance applicants is getting a copy of their laboratory results. The secure, comprehensive, and easy-to-understand Inside Look® report from ExamOne helps applicants stay engaged and more likely to complete the process. For example, this additional touchpoint helps insurers strengthen relations with clients. 

Consumers feedback on the online laboratory results

92% said access to their online personal laboratory results caused them to view their insurance carrier more favorably96% said the way online laboratory results are displayed allows them to easily understand the information93% said the instructions for accessing online laboratory results were clear and easy to understand

“Kudos to the medical staff during my exam. They did a great job. It was one of the best blood draws I have ever had in my 60 years.” – Life insurance applicant

The financial security and protection for families that life insurance provides is an important goal that ExamOne actively supports. We provide consumers with a pleasant, convenient, and value-added experience. Our responsibility is to perform to the highest standards, and we see that commitment reflected in our survey scores and applicant feedback.

To find out more about how we help ensure a positive life insurance applicant experience with education and resources, visit