Consider a riverside home to improve your wellbeing

An idyllic riverside setting is a great place to live and it can actually have real health benefits too. Here are five health benefits that may just convince you to make a riverside property your Forever Home.
1. You get loads of fresh air
A huge benefit of living by the riverside is that air surrounding the water contains added oxygen and moisture as well as a large dose of negative ions that increase your body’s ability to absorb the oxygen. Simply breathe deep and relax.
2. A better night’s sleep in a riverside home
Your riverside property will be quieter than a home on a normal road. The added oxygen, as well as the sounds of nature, all provide welcome assistance as you lay down at night.
3. Better mental health
Have you ever noticed you are more relaxed at a waterfall, by the sea, at a river or a lake? Water has a natural calming effect on most people. Serotonin levels balance and we have calmer lives.
4. Lower your blood pressure
With less stress, better sleep, and increased oxygen, your blood pressure will likely fall. A change in scenery to a riverside home, along with exercise and dietary changes, can potentially add years to your life.
5. You may become more creative
People tend to be more creative when surrounded by nature. Writers, painters and musicians can all boost creativity by being by the water. Not convinced? What do you think inspired Lake Poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey?
Specialist insurance for your riverside home
Of course, a riverside home will present different risks from your average townhouse, including damp and the risk of flooding. Your riverside home may also have unusual features, such as a water garage for a boat or stilts lifting the property out of the water.
That means you will need non-standard household insurance for your Forever Home. You can boost your wellbeing even more by calling 0800 369 8590 for a swift no-hassle insurance quote on your riverside property – 81.5% of all customers receiving an online quote in August 2022 could have obtained a cheaper quote over the phone.