ClaimsPro Specialty Risk Division enters strategic alliance with Integra Technical Services

ClaimsPro’s Specialty Risk Division (SRD) – the company’s national commercial loss adjusting team in Canada – has formed a strategic partnership with specialty loss adjuster Integra Technical Services.
The partnership will create a combined resource which enhances ClaimsPro’s global service offering to the Lloyd’s, international and domestic insurance, and reinsurance markets, the company said. A release also noted that the relationship will mainly revolve around the SRD team, which focuses on losses in complex, commercial, and specialty lines of business.
The teams from both companies will be collaborating on losses related to the construction; engineering (including machine breakdown); power generation (including renewable energy); mining and natural resources; international property (including business interruption); marine & transportation; oil, gas & petrochemical; heavy industry & complex manufacturing risks; as well as specialist liabilities lines of businesses.
“We welcome this important partnership with Integra, which will allow us to enhance our offering to our existing clients by utilising the international technical expertise within Integra, while providing greater access to the international reinsurance markets,” said ClaimsPro SRD senior vice president Sean Forgie, who added that the combination of both companies’ expertise is “a great fit for [the company] and [its] clients”
“Canada represents an important market for Integra and the partnership with ClaimsPro for both our loss adjusting and risk services divisions,” commented Integra USA managing director Philip Moretti. “By combining Integra international reach and reputation with the long-established position of ClaimsPro, we will now be able to offer both local and international insurance and reinsurance markets an enhanced and loss adjusting solution for risks both in Canada and for Canadian companies operating overseas.”