European windstorm insured losses head towards EUR 3bn
Forecasts for insurance and reinsurance market losses from the recent spell of severe European windstorms are heading towards EUR 3...
Forecasts for insurance and reinsurance market losses from the recent spell of severe European windstorms are heading towards EUR 3...
Stephenson first joined Verisk in 2001. Since his subsequent appointments as COO in 2008, president in 2011, and CEO in...
By Max Dorfman, Research Writer, Triple-I After years of steady declines, traffic fatalities in the United States are on the...
V2Y Corporation Ltd (V2Y), formerly known as Synagie Corporation Pte Ltd and Synagie Corporation Ltd, has issued a...
Authored by AvivaWith Storms Dudley and Eunice bringing high winds to the UK and weather warnings issued by the Met...
AUB Group today adjusted upwards its earnings guidance for this financial year, buoyed by a sharp first-half showing from its...
Cyber risk modelling and data analytics will help to build a better understanding of cyber exposures across the insurance and...
NYSE-listed Genpact partners with Claim Genius 21 February 2022 Professional services firm Genpact says its platform is now integrated with...
Allstate Insurance Company of Canada (Allstate Canada) is launching a public education campaign to combat notions of ableism....
As businesses continue to adapt to a new way of working and changes in work, health, and safety requirements due...