Landlord loses delays dispute after insurer not ‘solely responsible’
A landlord whose rental property was flood damaged has lost his bid to increase compensation for assessment and make-safe delays...
A landlord whose rental property was flood damaged has lost his bid to increase compensation for assessment and make-safe delays...
With the 1/1 2023 reinsurance renewals fast approaching, investor Amundi US says it is “very constructive” on the insurance-linked securities...
The Kiwi provider, which insures more than 800,000 people and paid $620.6 million in claims for 2021, told its network...
Capgemini’s 2023 Property and Casualty Top Trends Report named customer centricity one of the significant themes for the P&C industry...
Pool Re, Britain’s leading terrorism reinsurer, today welcomes the UK government’s announcement of its upcoming Protect Duty legislation, also known...
In a statement, RACQ acknowledged the ACCC’s crucial role in ensuring consumers receive the full benefits of the pool. However,...
AXIS highlighted that under Benchimol’s guidance, the firm has led a multi-year transformation program, repositioning the company as a leader...
QBE says its Premiums4Good initiative, aimed at making a positive environmental and social impact, has expanded its investments over the...
Insurance Business digs deeper into this form of coverage in this part of our client education series. We will discuss...
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has released its initial cyclone reinsurance pool monitoring report, setting a baseline for...