Car Seat Safety Over Convenience

Car Seat Safety Over Convenience

I have to get something off my chest. With millions about to travel for the holiday weekend, this can’t wait any longer. Millions of parents are risking their child(ren)’s lives every time they start their car. Four out of five car seats are not being used properly. EIGHTY PERCENT. Car accidents are the #1 cause of death in children under 13. So why aren’t we taking better precautions?

Somewhere along the road of parenthood, a critical mistake has occurred among many. Convenience has outtrumped safety. And I get it….somewhat…barely. We are in homes where both parents are working, kids are over involved in extracurriculars, there just simply isn’t enough time for everything so something has to be given up as a sacrifice.

But I digress. In a world in technological overdrive like never before, safety can’t be the sacrifice for convenience. Our children’s lives can’t be the sacrifice for convenience. Your convenience can’t be what outshines car seat safety in the event a sacrifice has to be made.

If you have spent more time on social media today, than you ever spent looking at your child’s car seat manual, you need to get your priorities straight.

If you have spent more time in the drive thru line this week, than you ever spent looking at your child’s car seat manual, you need to get your priorities straight.

If you have spent more time this month playing video games, than you ever spent looking at your child’s car seat manual, you need to get your priorities straight.

If you have spent more time this month getting your hair or nails done, than you ever spent looking at your child’s car seat manual, you need to get your priorities straight.

See also  Safety 1st TriMate Multimode Car Seat Review

You get the point. 

Even if you aren’t traveling this weekend, take a moment before your next time putting your child in the car and re-read the car seat manual.

Our ….your…. child’s life depends on your getting this right. Your child doesn’t know any better. It’s your job to get this right.

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