Brushing Up On Your CT Workers Comp Information

Connecticut has been ranked as one of the best states to live in due to its low unemployment rate and high personal per capita income. The economy here is booming, and it doesn’t come as a surprise that the government exercises several laws and jurisdictions to ensure the livelihood of the people in Connecticut and maintain a healthy work environment. In order to ensure that workers’ rights are observed properly, the state has made Workers Compensation Insurance necessary to have in place for all businesses operating in the state. 

Not only does Workers Compensation Insurance make your workers feel safe and secured, but it is good for your business too. It shows your employees that you care for their well-being and livelihood; thereby, increasing productivity that ultimately turns into profit. It’s a win-win. 

In general, Workers Compensation is a type of insurance that provides “wage replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee’s right to sue his or her employer for the tort of negligence.”

In Connecticut, to make sure that businesses comply with state regulations, a body known as the Workers’ Compensation Commission overlooks your business operations. The body makes sure that the workers get compensated for any injury and resulting work time loss.  

What does Worker’s Compensation Cover?

Paradiso Insurance’s Connecticut Workers Compensation Insurance broadly covers:

Funeral costs, missed wages, illnesses, disability benefits, ongoing care, and accidents or injuries of your employees. 

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It should be noted that Workers Compensation only covers those incidents which occur on the job or in the wake of the job and will not cover any injuries sustained outside of work. For example, you sprain your ankle at the gym or you fall down your stairs at home, either of these examples are injuries that would not be covered under Worker’s Compensation Insurance. 

Situations where you Workers Compensation will be employed

Here are some cases in which Worker’s Compensation Insurance can help you and your business in the case of a claim:

If an employee of yours suffers through an accident while making their way to work, Workers Comp can cover the trip to the hospital. For instance, in winters, the sidewalks, and roads are slippery. If an employee falls and breaks their arm while on their way to work, Workers compensation will cover the cost for the trip to the hospital. Accidents occur on the job every day. Maybe one day, an employee is working on faulty machinery, and their leg suffers the damage of the malfunction. The doctors say that surgery is inevitable, and the employee needs to be on bed rest for a month. Your Workers Comp will not only cover the bill for their surgery but will also compensate them for the work that they missed. If say the unthinkable happens and a worker of yours loses their life in an accident when they travel out of the state on job-related matters, then your Workers Comp coverage will cover the funeral costs of said employee, and their beneficiaries will be compensated financially.  

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The Takeaway 

At Paradiso Insurance, we have some of the best Worker’s Compensation options in the country and even have pay as you go options for those with fluctuating payrolls. For more information, give our commercial team a call at 860-684-5270 and a member of our team will be happy to help you find the right coverage for your business needs.