AMI embraces solar energy in sustainability push

AMI embraces solar energy in sustainability push | Insurance Business New Zealand
AMI embraces solar energy in sustainability push
Initiative aligns with company strategy to reduce carbon footprint across operations
Roxanne Libatique
AMI Insurance’s RepairHub in Onehunga has taken a significant step in its sustainability strategy by installing a rooftop solar panel system.
In April, the facility added 135 solar panels, a project supported by its property landlord, PFI. This installation marks the fourth building under PFI’s management to adopt solar energy within the past two years.
AMI RepairHub Onehunga solar panels
Gary Geeves, CEO of AMI RepairHub, emphasised that the Onehunga site is pioneering this effort within the company’s network.
“This initiative aligns perfectly with our goal to reduce our carbon footprint across all aspects of our operations. Through innovative solutions like rooftop solar, we are demonstrating our dedication to reducing emissions while driving positive change for our customers, the planet, and future generations in New Zealand,” Geeves said.
Benefits of rooftop solar
The adoption of rooftop solar systems is gaining traction among businesses and homeowners due to several key benefits.
The survey noted that while climate change remains a significant concern for many, there is a lack of confidence in the effectiveness of current response measures.
Respondents expressed a desire for increased focus on mitigating climate impacts, including avoiding development in high-risk areas, constructing more resilient infrastructure, and improving public understanding of climate risks.
The survey also highlighted the importance of maintaining strong insurance providers and adopting a risk-based approach to premium pricing, reflecting the growing frequency of severe weather events. Reducing risk was identified as a key factor in ensuring the affordability of insurance.
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