Stay safe on the roads with King Price Insurance’s car insurance options

Stay safe on the roads with King Price Insurance's car insurance options

Distracted driving is a silent killer on South Africa’s roads, contributing to a significant number of accidents. Driving while distracted, even for a few seconds, significantly increases the risk of an accident. Studies show that phone use alone is involved in as many as 50% of collisions.

However, distracted driving extends beyond phone use and includes any activity that diverts attention from driving safely. Something as seemingly innocent as reading a WhatsApp message can have catastrophic consequences.

Research from the United States indicates that texting while driving raises the chances of an accident by 23 times, and even dialling a number increases the risk by 6 times. Scary fact: The reaction times of texting drivers are slower than those of drunk drivers.

The human and financial toll

Car accidents take a significant toll on both human lives and the economy. In 2018, car accidents cost the South African economy a staggering R143 billion, according to the International Transport Forum. The country also experienced a high traffic death rate of 22.4 per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to the European Union’s rate of 4.9. In 2022, the Easter weekend saw 162 fatalities on South Africa’s roads, with factors such as drunk driving, speeding, fatigue, distracted driving, and pedestrian accidents playing a significant role. Research suggests that human error accounts for 80% of road accidents in the country.

King Price Insurance’s car insurance options

In the face of these alarming statistics, it’s crucial to ensure you have the right car insurance cover. King Price Insurance offers 2 comprehensive car insurance options that cover damage to your own car, as well as your liability for damage to other people’s cars and property after an accident.

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King Price Insurance has 2 comprehensive car cover options: agreed value and ‘normal’ comprehensive cover. Agreed value and comprehensive cover are very similar, but there’s 1 crucial difference. With agreed value, the insured value of your car remains fixed for 3 years and can be up to 20% more than your car’s retail value. On the other hand, comprehensive cover insures your car at its retail value, and this amount decreases every month as your car loses value. Both our agreed value and comprehensive insurance options also cover you for theft, hi-jacking and fire.

Don’t take chances with your safety and financial security on the roads. Distracted driving poses serious risks, and but with King Price Insurance’s comprehensive car insurance options, you can have peace of mind knowing you’re protected in case of an accident. Safeguard yourself, your passengers, and other road users by staying focused while driving.

Click here to learn more about King Price’s 2 comprehensive car insurance options and click here or WhatsApp us on 0860 50 50 50 to get a commitment-free quote. Drive safely and protect what matters most with King Price Insurance.


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Stay safe on the roads with King Price Insurance’s car insurance options


Stay safe on the roads and protect your financial security with King Price Insurance’s comprehensive car insurance options. Learn about the dangers of distracted driving and why it’s crucial to have the right insurance cover. Get a commitment-free quote today!


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