Steven Bush and Whistleblowers Against Insurance Company Fraud

Steven Bush and Whistleblowers Against Insurance Company Fraud

Merlin Law Group attorney Steven Bush will give a speech at the upcoming American Policyholder Association Membership Summit being held in Dallas on November 1-3. His presentation is titled “Blow the Whistle, Not the Whistleblower.”

Steven received an award last week at the Advocates Awards. He was recognized for his work helping property insurance adjusters come forward to explain and shed light on numerous instances of insurance company claims management wrongfully reducing the amounts paid to policyholders. These licensed adjusters risk their livelihoods and careers to expose the increasingly common practices that property insurance companies require of their adjusters to lower payments to policyholders following a loss.  

A number of those whistleblowers were honored at the Advocates Awards. They explained their stories and how much it meant to have their family, and others support them when publicly exposing what insurance claims management was secretly doing. Many thanked Steven Bush for his help and support. 

I noted a YouTube video, Whistleblower insurance adjusters describe fraudulent activity on Hurricane Ian claims, of Steven giving an interview about property insurance adjusters who were coming out and exposing the problems following Hurricane Ian. A number of property insurance adjusters made comments to the video, further showing how widespread these practices have become in Florida. Here is one comment:

I’m an independent property adjuster, and I’ve also had the same thing happen to me. I didn’t know until the agent called me wanting to know why certain damages were not included on the estimate (that I had included and a QA removed). I think it should be against the law for someone who is likely not even licensed, to change my scope on my estimate and leave my name on the report. Some “housekeeping” items I can understand, like ACV or other policy endorsements. But not scope. If they change it they should have to put their name on the report. In my opinion.

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During his acceptance speech at the Advocates Award, Steven Bush commented that the award was not about him but about the courage of the people who were publicly bringing attention to the problems of insurance companies systemically requiring honest people to cheat policyholders. In Steven Bush fashion, he then gave credit to his staff and other attorneys working with him and to the efforts of Doug Quinn and the APA.  

Steven Bush recently joined Merlin Law Group with his fellow attorneys Trey Flournoy, Todd Frederick, and Jimmy DePolo. Steven’s work advocating for policyholders has been remarkable. We are fortunate and proud to have him on our team. 

Thought For The Day 

You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.
