Roofing Educator Dmitry Lipinskiy Calling For Integrity In The Roofing Business

Roofing Educator Dmitry Lipinskiy Calling For Integrity In The Roofing Business

Dmitry Lipinskiy is a roofing business educator with an emphasis on marketing. His Roofing Insights YouTube Channel appears very well presented and has a lot of content, and some of it is very controversial because Dmitry is not afraid to state his opinion publicly. I do not spend much time on social media, and I stumbled across his website while researching insurance fraud by insurance adjusters.   

The video my search delivered was titled SVG Award Winning Roofer David Kuntz Damages property to Fake Insurance claim in Colorado. The video shows a roofer caught on video punching dents before meeting with an insurance adjuster. It is a compelling video and very sad.

I cannot judge everything Lipinskiy has made videos about because I simply do not have enough time to watch all of it. But I do agree with what he says in this video. If we do not share and expose what is wrong, the problems will not go away.  

I recently noted roofing educator Jen Silver in Does Utah Follow the Efficient Proximate Causation Rule for Insurance Policy Interpretation? After watching the video, I asked her about Dmitry Lipinskiy because I was impressed with what he had to say. She seemed to think I had been living on Mars because she asked me how I could not have heard of him. She told me he was in a very public debate with roofer Lee Haight and that the two of them are planning to fight MMA style in Atlanta. A video, Emanuel Torti (Lee Haight’s Lawyer) tries to Black Mail Me, describes this upcoming fight.   

I did take some time to watch an interview with Stephen Badger titled Who commits more Insurance fraud? Contractors or carriers? Steven Badger. The interview was comprehensive and covered a wide range of topics, from legal issues and fraud to technology and best practices. It serves as a cautionary tale as well as a guide for those in the roofing and insurance industries. Here are some quick takeaways from that interview:  

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Contractor Issues: Badger discusses the problem of contractors inflating claims and then passing them to lawyers, expecting a windfall later. He warns against this practice.

Fraud in the Industry: Badger talks about various types of fraud, such as contractors faking hail damage. He doesn’t see an increasing trend but acknowledges it happens.

Mortgage Checks Fraud: Badger warns that forging mortgage company signatures on checks is federal bank fraud, even if it seems like a victimless crime.

Legislation: Badger discusses recent legislation in Florida and Texas aimed at regulating the industry. He feels some of it is overreaching. I was amazed by this admission.

UPPA Laws: Badger notes an improvement in contractors not acting as public adjusters, which is illegal in many states.

Bad Advice: Badger criticizes the advice to scale companies too quickly or to try to get rich off every job.

Role of Technology: Badger mentions Helios, a technology that can accurately measure hail size, as a way to reduce disputes in the industry.

Advice to Insurance Companies: Badger emphasizes the importance of communication between insurance companies and their clients.

The interview was pretty good and will help me next time I have a debate against Steve Badger.

The Internet is a double-edged sword when it comes to information dissemination. On one hand, it has democratized access to knowledge, but on the other, it has also become a breeding ground for misinformation. I agree with Dmitry Lipinskiy’s sentiment that we should all be vigilant about fake gurus and scammers who exploit this platform. These individuals are adept at using persuasive language, appealing to greed, and making compelling visuals to lure unsuspecting victims into their web of deceit. They capitalize on the Internet’s reach and anonymity to spread falsehoods that can have real-world consequences. It’s crucial for us to exercise critical thinking and due diligence to separate the wheat from the chaff, especially in an era where digital manipulation is becoming increasingly sophisticated.

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However, I do not think that fighting or agreeing to a duel is going to decide who is factually wrong or right. 

Thought For The Day

The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge.

—Stephen Hawking