Car Modification Insurance – What Should You Declare?

Car Modification Insurance – What Should You Declare?


Car Modification Insurance – What Should You Declare?

Navigating through the ins and outs of car insurance can sometimes feel like an uphill battle.

Especially if you’re a car enthusiast with modifications on your beloved motor.

But not to worry.

We’re here to guide you on what car modifications need to be declared.

And how they could potentially impact your insurance costs.

By the end of this read, you’ll have a crystal-clear understanding of car modification insurance.

Shall we dive in?

The Impact Of Car Modifications On Insurance

Car modifications.

They’re fantastic for boosting the aesthetics and performance of your vehicle.

But here’s the deal.

They can significantly impact your insurance premiums.

Let’s delve into why.

Modifications often enhance the value of your vehicle.

They could also make it more appealing to opportunistic thieves.

Take, for example, performance-related mods such as engine enhancements or custom wheel changes.

These modifications could lead to an increase in power and speed.

From the insurer’s viewpoint, increased speed equates to increased risk.

Custom parts are usually more expensive to replace.

Combine this with a heightened risk of theft or accident.

The result?

Potentially higher insurance premiums.

That’s why being completely open about your car’s modifications with your insurer is critical.

Importance Of Declaring Car Modifications

Car Modification Insurance – What Should You Declare?

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Failing to disclose your car modifications is akin to walking on thin ice.

Actually, it’s more than just that – it’s a matter of legality.

Non-disclosure can be classified as fraudulent misrepresentation.

And that can open up a Pandora’s box of problems.

In the best-case scenario, your insurer might merely increase your premiums to reflect the escalated risk.

In the worst-case scenario?

Your policy could be rendered null and void.

In simple terms, you’d be driving without insurance. Which is illegal in the UK.

Imagine being involved in an accident with undeclared modifications.

Your insurance claim could be rejected.

And if your insurer voids your policy, you’ll have to foot all the bills yourself.

Not an ideal situation, is it?

So here’s the key takeaway:

Always declare your car modifications.

Even the ones that seem trivial.

Types Of Car Modifications And Their Impact

You might be pondering about the types of car modifications you need to disclose.

Here’s a simple guiding principle:

Declare any changes that differ from the manufacturer’s standard specification.

Here’s a quick rundown of common modifications and their potential influence on your insurance:

Engine modifications: Performance-boosting changes like turbocharging can lead to escalated insurance premiums.

Why, you ask?

Simple. More power, more risk.

Wheel modifications: Swanky alloy wheels increase your car’s appeal.

But they also make it more enticing to thieves.

This is a great time to consider additional coverage to ensure your wheels are protected.

Bodywork modifications: Changes like body kits or spoilers can alter the car’s performance.

And potentially spike insurance costs.

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How you modify your vehicle can have a direct impact on your insurance category.

Interior modifications: Customised interiors or premium audio systems can heighten your car’s value.

Typically, a higher value equates to higher insurance premiums.

Always remember:

Inform your insurer about any modifications to your car.

When in doubt?


Finding The Right Car Insurance For Modified Cars

The truth is, not all insurance providers view car modifications in the same light.

Some mainstream insurers might shy away from covering modified vehicles.


Because of the perceived increased risk.

But here’s a silver lining.

There are specialist insurers who cater specifically to modified vehicles.

Their understanding and experience in dealing with modified vehicles can often result in more favourable terms.

Moreover, they may offer additional benefits such as agreed value policies.

You see, they appreciate the time, effort, and investment that goes into modifying a vehicle.

Choosing the right insurer can save you both time and money.

Keep in mind though, no matter the insurer, honesty is paramount.

Always declare your modifications.

Car Modifications That Can Reduce Your Premium

Wait, did we say reduce?

Yes, you read it right.

Not all modifications will inflate your insurance costs.

There are some modifications that can actually work in your favour!

Such as?

Security Devices: Adding extra security features such as alarms or immobilisers can reduce your insurance premium.

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

Extra security equals less risk of theft.

Winter Tyres: While not necessarily a modification, winter tyres can improve the safety of your car during harsh weather.

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Some insurers recognise this and might not increase your premium.

Remember to check this with your insurance provider, though.


Car Modification Insurance – What Should You Declare?

Car modifications can significantly influence your car insurance costs.

From engine upgrades to bodywork changes, every modification holds the potential to alter the risk your vehicle poses.

To avoid any unwelcome surprises (like a void policy), it’s crucial to declare any changes to your insurer.

While modifications generally elevate the insurance premium, there are exceptions.

Certain safety enhancements can help reduce the premium.

The key lies in understanding what needs to be declared and finding the right insurer who appreciates your car’s uniqueness.

Want to know more about how specific cars impact insurance costs?

Check out our posts on the cheapest cars to insure and car insurance for electric vehicles.

We hope this guide has helped to de-mystify car modification insurance for you.

Safe driving and happy modding!