Wishing won’t keep you safe

Wishing won’t keep you safe

Emergency services undertaking a simulated recovery

Whilst my initial thought could be to be angry with the waste of my time, fuming because it’s completely affected my plans for today, frustrated that others have been inconvenienced because I am not where I should be. Im really not angry at all about any of that.

I’m only really angry with the drivers who chose to disobey the rules, within the first ten minutes, by jumping onto the hard shoulder in order to reach the next junction – which is where the collision is, and the Fire service had to jump out of their vehicles and shift them out of the way, so they could reach the casualties.


But instead I’m counting my blessings……

Firstly, it’s given me a chance to write this blog! I’ve caught up on my mail, I’ve cleared all the trash from my email account, I’ve listened to my favourite song on the radio and I’ve unashamedly eaten half a bag of chocolate caramels.

I could also do with a quick trip to the loo, but that’s not at crisis point yet!

I suppose I could spend my time offering free car seat checks to the drivers of the other trapped cars, but as a risk assessment hasn’t been completed and we could be freed shortly its not advisable and I’m sticking with the Highways England’s advice to remain with my vehicle.

Collisions, crashes, bumps, smashes, impacts, accidents –  call it what you like they seem like a bit of everyday life. But they can change someone’s everyday life for ever.

See also  Simplified Proposal for Vehicle Automation Modes

When you hear the traffic news on the radio, we don’t think twice about what we’ve just heard, more that we need to avoid that section of road.

So spare a thought for the times you’ve had a near miss, the time you let the “fool” in who just cut you up! The moment you slowed down because they weren’t concentrating in the car next to you. And give yourself a pat on the back- you’re a superstar, you’re a life saver, you’re alive.

If I had been slightly quicker hugging my daughters and kissing my husband goodbye this morning I could have been on the road sooner and involved in the collision.

Everyone is special to someone, so no one deserves to be taken in these circumstances.

Wishing and hoping won’t keep you safe, good judgements and respectful behaviour and of course it goes without saying- a seatbelt/ car seat will definitely help.

UPDATE – 7:30pm: , I was freed from the M6 after nearly 7 hours, in which time my car did not move a millimetre, but in my opinion it was 7 hours that had a significant affect on my life!  It made me realise how lucky I am to have such fantastic friends and family. Lots of them shared concerns on my facebook status. Two kept me company via messenger whilst stuck on motorway, our co- director Claire, gave me a big hug -which was so needed,  another called me on her way home to see if I needed some one to talk to and she kept me company for her journey. My husband kept me calm via the phone when the car wouldn’t start and I was in the middle lane, because of my electronic handbrake! And finally, another friend sent her husband around to our home with a bottle of fizz to cheer me up when I got in.

See also  Car Seat Safety Over Convenience

They all made me realise I’m loved and special.


Julie Dagnall