Tips for winter driving

Winter Driving

When wet or icy weather strikes, driving conditions change. It doesn’t matter what type of vehicle you drive. Problems include less steering control – where your steering will feel light and this will eventually act as a catalyst for the car to lose its control and balance. If you want to be safe on the road, then you should follow these simple tips below:

Before you set off

Before doing anything, just take a moment and ask yourself, do you really need to travel today? If it is something that can wait then why not postpone the trip? This is especially true for torrential rainstorms or for frosty or snowy conditions.

But if it is absolutely unavoidable and you have to reach somewhere then complete a few checks before you set off. Have you got enough fuel, check your windscreen wipers work properly and you have water in your window washers. Have you got warm clothing and a way to contact someone if you have car trouble or get stuck in a traffic jam?

Check your tyre tread

Driving in the rain will always be difficult if your tyres are not in good condition. You need to see if your tyres have the right tread depth or not. If the tread is worn below legal limits replace the tyres before you drive.

Use winter tyres

If your tyres are in a worn-out condition, you need to get a replacement as soon as possible. It is recommended to buy speciality tyres like winter tyres – so that you have better grip in bad weather. The surface of winter tyres is different than ordinary tyres and they are built especially for slippery roads. A myth associated with winter tyres is that they are more expensive than the other ranges. Technology has advanced now and winter tyres are now almost the same price. You can find a local tyre provider to guide you through the process or you can simply get your car tyres online from Point S – check them out here.

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Check your brakes

Your car’s braking system has to perform at its maximum potential. If you are not able to stop on a wet and bumpy road, it can lead to a serious accident. Get your braking system checked and replace worn brake pads.

Drive slower

Wet and icy conditions increase the time it takes to brake and usually decreases your visibility. This adds up to a much higher risk of an accident. Don’t risk your health or life by driving in the same way as you do in clear dry conditions. Make sure you are driving more slowly and giving yourself more time to brake at junctions. Leave much more space between your car and the one in front.