New Life Insurance Rates for Women in Montana

Woman in Montana jumping for Quotacy blog New Life Insurance Rates for Women in Montana

Why do insurance companies offer cheaper life insurance to women?

Women, on average, pay less for life insurance than men because of a few statistical reasons*:

Women go to the doctor more often than men and, therefore, catch medical issues sooner. They start treatments earlier and are then healthier overall.
Women take fewer risks than men. Insurance companies favor applicants who are less risk-pone and, therefore, offer better rates to women.
Women have a longer life expectancy than men.

*These reasons are based on statistics and averages. They are not stereotypes and do not apply for all individuals in every situation.

For the last 30 plus years, women in Montana have been missing out on these life insurance savings. With the new life insurance rates for women in Montana, women can potentially put more money back in their pockets.

What are the new life insurance rates for women in Montana?

Life insurance rates are determined based on an individual’s risk factors. Gender is one of many risk factors an insurance company evaluates.

Take a look at the table below for an example of what women in Montana were paying, and what their new rate could be.

Why Women Need Life Insurance

It doesn’t matter if you work outside of the home or work as stay-at-home mom. Women need life insurance.

» Learn more: The Best Life Insurance for Women

See also  How to File a Life Insurance Claim With Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company of New York

Life insurance provides much-needed funds to your family if you were to die unexpectedly. No one wants to think about this, but, unfortunately, it does happen. For proof, just look at

When families lose their beloved wife/partner/mother/daughter unexpectedly, there is emotional pain. Without necessary savings and life insurance, there is also financial struggle. Don’t let this happen to your loved ones.

Term life insurance is affordable and can be customized to fit into most family budgets. Money needed to pay for expenses such as a funeral, childcare, bills, groceries, college tuition, and retirement savings can be replaced by the death benefit from a life insurance policy.

Women are grossly underinsured compared to men and there is no reason for this. The income you provide is just as essential to a family as the income men provide.

» Learn more: The Financial Concerns of Women

Women pay less for life insurance than men all across the United States—and now even in Montana. Let’s take advantage of this.

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» Compare: Term life insurance quotes