save for the holidays

Save for the holidays

Save for the holidays! Sorry, what? It’s October already? That means December is just a few weeks away *breathes anxiously* and we’re not nearly ready to call it quits on 2019.

We don’t mean to panic, but honestly the end of the year is coming and a few of us in the kingdom realised that there’s still so much left to do… Like telling you about how it’s not too late to save on your car insurance so that you can have more cash in the pot for your time off! We know that so many of you have had a tough financial year and our hearts go out to you. That’s why we’re ticking this off the list and pulling together the 3 ways that you can pay less for your royal car insurance and save more for your holiday.

Quick fact on the savings

Just in case you thought that we were hyping you up over nothing… We’ve given back over R150 million in decreasing premiums to our clients. That’s a lot of monies, yo.

Start by joining our kingdom and getting comprehensive car insurance. We start your premiums off at a super affordable amount and thennnnn your premiums will decrease every month for as long as your car’s insured with us. The reason why we do this is because your car’s value drops monthly, and so for your premium to be accurate, your insurance premium should drop monthly, too.

It’s really that simple and the money you don’t spend on insurance can be banked for your holiday. We even send you an SMS to tell you how much your insurance has gone down by so that you can be more intentional about taking that money and putting it away.

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You can literally save up to 20% on your car insurance premiums by insuring all your cars with us. That’s right, we’ve made it even cheaper for you to be completely responsible and cover all the cars that you own. Basically, if you insure 1 car comprehensively your premiums decrease, if you insure 2 cars then you’ll get 10% off and your premiums will still decrease. If you insure 3 cars, you’ll get 15% off and your premiums will decrease, and if you insure 4+ cars you’ll get 20% off.

Oh, and to be clear… It’s not just the original car whose premiums will decrease. Every car’s individual premium will decrease. That’s just so many savings!

The excess amount is the cash that you’ll pay to us when you claim, even if the reason why you’re claiming isn’t your fault. The excess is 1 of the factors that influences your premium, so a higher excess = a lower premium and a lower excess = a higher premium.

We give you the chance to choose your own excess and the opportunity to change your excess and influence your premium after you’ve taken out your policy with us. Why? Well, people change. Their needs change. You might decide that you can afford a slightly higher premium and want a cheaper excess so that if you have to claim, you won’t have to pay out a bigger amount. Or you might have run into some financial stress and want to keep your insurance intact, so you’re considering increasing your excess so that you can decrease your premium by a bigger amount.

See also  How Much Does Insurance Go Up After an Accident?

Chat to us about safely changing your excess amount so that you can afford to pay it if you claim and can save more on your insurance. We won’t steer you wrong!

Be the king of your holiday budget

Unless you plan on holing up in a cave with candles for light and a fishing rod to nab breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you need to save. It’s just that expensive to take time off and enjoy yourself. To help you get these savings in the bank, we’ve put these 3 tips together in 1 place so that you can get cover to help you out if anything goes awry during the season of sleep, food, and fun.

Want in on the savings? Join our kingdom today.