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A burnt-to-a-crisp turkey served along a side of political discourse is just one potential disaster your insureds might face this Thanksgiving.

Help things go without a hitch by sharing these quick tips.

1. Don’t drink and drive

This should be a no-brainer, but drunk driving still causes 28% of all traffic-related deaths in the U.S. according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Arrange a designated driver or use a ride-hailing service when traveling on Thanksgiving.

2. Don’t loan someone your car

Be mindful of who drives your vehicle. It’s easy to give a friend or family member keys to the car while they’re in town, but this “permissive use” leaves the insured in the driver’s seat when it comes to responsibility for a claim.

3. Don’t serve alcohol to minors

Under social host liability laws, party-givers can be held responsible when minors drink, even if the hosts were unaware that they were doing so. If a minor was drunk, chose to drive and caused an auto accident, the host could be liable. Keep a watchful eye during parties and be sure guests who imbibe are 21 or older.

4. Don’t subject your pets to holiday stress

Pets can be easily overwhelmed by visitors during Thanksgiving; the extra noise and activity can be upsetting and people often aren’t educated about how to act around animals, which can result in unwelcome behavior by both the person and the pet. Give pets a quiet “sanctuary” behind a closed door, complete with a bowl of water, comfy blanket and special treat. They’ll be grateful.

5. Don’t leave tools laying around

Tackling winterizing to-dos is a top priority this month, especially with house guests on approach. Be sure shovels, rakes and ladders are kept well out of the way to avoid slip-and-falls and store them properly after use.

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Author Daina Kawchack Smith

Daina Kawchack Smith is a respected leader in the field of personal umbrella insurance. With over 25 years of experience in the insurance industry, Daina brings a breadth of experience to help agents grow by sharing innovative ideas