Eight common lies on car insurance forms

car insurance

We’d all love cheaper car insurance, and the mission at Adrian Flux is to make sure customers get just that with a bespoke, tailored quote.

But in our determination to get the very best deal possible, up to one in 10 of us isn’t entirely honest when it comes to giving out the information that is essential if we are to get the perfect policy for us.

In this blog the team at Adrian Flux reveal eight common lies on car insurance forms and the problems they can cause.

1. Non disclosure of car modifications

If you modify your car and it changes the vehicle’s appearance or performance, you must disclose this to your insurer. Adrian Flux is a market leader when it comes to modified car insurance, so call for a tailored quote.

2. Lies about your licence

Make sure you tell your insurer if you only have a provisional licence or your driving licence is from outside the European Union. Some insurers only accept full licences from the EU and a handful of other countries.

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3. Not declaring previous claims

You must tell your insurer if you’ve had a claim or accident within the previous three years – even if the incident wasn’t your fault and even if it has been fully settled. Make sure you prove your claims history to qualify for a no claims discount. 

A full picture of your insurance history is essential to get the right quote. Insurers can now access a central claims database to check if you’re lying. We’ve provided some tips on  how to prove your no claims discount.

4. Misrepresenting where the vehicle will be kept overnight

We all know that garaging your vehicle overnight will reduce the cost of your insurance – but pretending you have a garage when you don’t, or lying about where your vehicle is stored at night, can void your policy immediately. 

A quick look on Google Street View is all that’s required to see if you have a garage.

5. Not saying what the car is used for

Some customers don’t tell their insurer that they use their vehicle for business. If your car is essential to your job, make sure you state that it won’t just be used for private and personal use.

6. Withholding motoring convictions

This is the lie customers are most likely to tell – they know that bad drivers pay more for insurance. If you’ve had a motoring conviction in the past five years, insurers have to know about it or your policy could run the risk of being cancelled. This blog tells you more about motoring convictions and how they could affect your insurance.

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7. Fronting’ – insurance in the name of a more experienced driver

An act of kindness to your teenager could land you in a whole heap of trouble if you insure a young person’s car in the name of an older driver. 

Younger drivers are seen as a bigger insurance risk and if one  is the main driver, you must inform your insurer.

8. Deliberately underestimating how far you drive every year

Lots of people say they drive fewer miles than they actually do in the hope of lowering the cost of their policy. If your commute changes and your yearly miles increase, you must let your insurer know.

car insurance

What happens if you lie to your insurance company?’

Although telling pork pies may save you a few quid at quote time, lying on your car insurance form could have very serious consequences if you need to make a claim.

Insurance companies have various ways of checking if what you say is true and will investigate policies and claims they have suspicions about, or even use investigators to verify the information you’ve given.

Lying on an official car insurance form is a form of fraud and anyone who bends the truth for a cheaper quote runs the risk of having their policy cancelled and any claim dismissed.

There are better ways to cut costs, including more than 20 ways to legally save money on the cost of your insurance quote

Insurance cover you can trust with Adrian Flux

Adrian Flux searches hundreds of insurance schemes to find you the best possible deal, suited to your needs and driving history. 

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Call 0800 369 8590  for a bespoke quote or arrange a callback at a time that is more convenient to you.