Essentials for Your Golf Bag

A long putt and golf ball on the  green as sunset closes in

It’s a lovely day; the sun’s out, the wind is just right and you’re heading out onto the golf course with a full day of golf ahead of you. All you need is to chuck a few clubs in your bag with a handful of balls and you’re good to go, right?

Wrong. Golf is a relaxing sport so the last thing you need is to be caught out in the middle of a round when you should be enjoying a stress-free day on one of the scenic courses we’re lucky enough to have dotted around the UK.

So, here’s our comprehensive list of golf bag essentials, including a rule you might not even be aware of if you’re a new player.

How Many Golf Clubs Can You Carry?

We’ll start with clubs, because they’re pretty much the most important thing you’ll need, but did you know there are rules about how many you’re allowed to carry during a round?

The maximum number of clubs you’re allowed to carry in your bag is 14, but the type of club is up to you; the idea is that the more golf clubs you have with you, the less you rely on skill, which is what the game’s all about.

You’re also not allowed to share golf clubs; other people can carry clubs for you, but the total number you have altogether still needs to be 14 and under. The penalty for taking more than 14 is 2 strokes for each hole; so, say you have 15 clubs but don’t realise until the 2nd hole, you’ll get a 4-stroke penalty.

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So that’s the official rules out of the way, what else should you put in your bag?

golf clubs in a bag with a golf course in the background at sunset


Another obvious one, maybe, but it’s worth remembering to take a mix of old and new balls with you. It’s always good to have some nice new, fresh balls but it’s worth taking some old ones too to knock about when you’re practising, or for those days when every shot feels like it’s going awry. No more than 6 in total should be fine, and you can always pick up some strays while you’re playing.


Let’s talk rain. Weather in the UK is notoriously changeable, you could start off with bright sunshine in the morning, and then have heavy showers by lunchtime, so it makes sense to pack a waterproof jacket and an extra layer in case you get cold. Talking of rain, the classic golf umbrella will also come in handy, and can also protect you from the sun. You could throw in an extra pair of socks too for if your feet get wet from either rain or after a morning walking around in dewy grass.

Having a spare glove in your bag is also useful; they can help protect your hands from getting blisters and stop the club from slipping in your hands.

Don’t forget a cap too, for sun and rain protection.

golfer on a rainy day leaving a golf course holding an umbrella over his head


This might seem strange, after all, golf isn’t usually thought of as being a high-risk sport. But have you ever slammed a putter into your ankle? Or stumbled over on your ankle as you walked around the course? The golf course can be a dangerous place, so you’ll thank us for reminding you to pack the following:

Plasters – for blisters and cuts.Tape – for wrapping fingers to avoid blisters, and to also help your grip.Insect repellent – for bees, wasps, horseflies, midges; as we said, the golf course can be a dangerous place!Sunscreen – remember the back of your neck and ears too.Ice pack – see the aforementioned putter to the ankle injury, or if you forget the previous item on our list.Extras – painkillers/medication/antihistamines

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Towels – you’ll need one to wipe your clubs and kit if they get wet, or to use on your hands and face if (or rather, when) you get rained on. You can also work up a sweat on a hot day. You can get micro towels that don’t take up much room but are still really absorbentWire Brush – to get rid of dirt and grass on your clubsGroove Cleaner – great for getting rid of sand/mud on your irons

We have tips for cleaning your clubs, so make sure to check that out too.


Arguably, the most important part of any activity. You’re often walking around for long stretches, so you need to keep your energy levels up, so pack light snacks, energy bars etc, as well as the trusty banana and plenty to drink.


Distance Measuring device/Rangefinder/GPS – to help you gauge where to hit the ball (remember to check the rules if competing) Go ProSelfie Stick – remember the old saying? Pics, or that hole-in-one didn’t happenPortable Phone Charger

Golf balls and golf clubs in bag on green grass


Sharpie – to customise your balls.Scorecard and PencilDivot Repair KitPouch – to stop all the little items; things like cash, watches, pencils, tees etc, from rolling around in the bottom of your bag.Ball Marker – if you haven’t got a lucky one then you’re not doing it right!Tees – you can never have too many!Yardage book – a great way to track the distances of each shot and learn the layout of a course.

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Now you’re all packed and ready to go, the only other thing you need to remember is to check out our Golf Insurance. Whether you regularly channel your inner Rory McIlroy, or are a weekend amateur, your equipment is important to you, which makes it important to us, so take a look at the different levels of cover available, depending on your needs.

We might not be able to do anything about the rain, but we can help you find tweakable insurance that will fit you to a tee!

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We offer a variety of cover levels, so please check the policy cover suits your needs before purchasing. For your protection, please ensure you read the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) and policy wording, for information on policy exclusions and limitations.