Happy 13th Birthday, ACA!


The Affordable Care Act turns 13 years old today, and we at CHIR are pleased to wish it a happy birthday. We hope any angst-filled, turbulent adolescence is fully behind, not ahead of us!

We are so very proud of all the ACA has accomplished, and the good works it has performed. Thanks to the ACA:

Today the U.S. has the lowest uninsured rate (8%) in history.
100 million people with private health insurance access free preventive services every year, such as vaccinations, well woman and child visits, and screenings for diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
Approximately 54 million Americans with a pre-existing condition have peace of mind that they cannot be denied insurance, or charged higher premiums, because of their health status.
Under Medicaid expansion, 21 million low-income people have gained insurance coverage. A large body of research shows that these individuals are healthier and more financially secure as a result.
With greater coverage security, fewer Americans are struggling with debt due to unpaid medical bills.
Over 4 million women have coverage of birth control without out-of-pocket costs, a protection now more important than ever after the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade and the roll back of access to abortion in many states.
There have been historic reductions in racial disparities in access to health care, with the gap between black and white adult uninsured rates dropping by 4.1 percentage points and the gap between Hispanic and white uninsured rates falling 9.4 points.
Young adults, just starting careers, are allowed to stay on their parents’ heath plans. This provision is estimated to have caused a 45 percent drop in the uninsured rate for people between ages 18-34.
Insurers in the individual and small-group market must cover a minimum set of essential health benefits. This means millions of people don’t have to worry about big gaps in benefits, such as exclusions for mental health services, maternity care, or prescription drugs.

See also  How adoption of new pharmaceuticals can impact US health system reimbursement under alternative payment models

Congratulations to the ACA for accomplishing all this before reaching its 13th year. As someone once said, “It’s a B.F.D.!”


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