California's Mission To Prove The Affordable Care Act Is Alive and Well

California's Mission To Prove The Affordable Care Act Is Alive and Well

With the Affordable Care Act’s fate hanging in the balance, California makes a convincing case for its continuation.
Covered California, the state’s online insurance exchange, has announced premium increases of only 0.6 percent, a record low for the second year in a row. These favorable rates will likely raise enrollments in Santa Rosa and throughout the state during the 2021 plan year. A health insurance broker in Santa Rosa, can help guide your plan choice through the exchange or privately. Either way, individuals throughout the state of California can count on affordable health insurance.

Help for the Unemployed

The pandemic has caused millions of California’s residents to become unemployed. Along with losing a paycheck, these individuals no longer have health insurance for themselves and their families at what may be the worst possible time. By expanding the enrollment period to obtain health insurance coverage, individuals who can not afford the high fees to continue their employer-provided insurance under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) can avoid coverage interruptions.

Factors Contributing to the Rate Decrease

A significant factor leading to more covered Californians and reduced premiums is the California legislature’s reinstatement of the individual mandate after its 2019 repeal by the federal government. California’s Med-Cal program also ensures that those who can not afford the lowest premiums offered on the state’s exchange can still get coverage through government subsidies. New eligibility requirements for these subsidies also takes into account anyone who do not fall below the poverty line but struggles to pay for insurance. Health insurance broker and others throughout the state can help individuals make their selections at no cost. With more individuals within a coverage pool, policy premiums are substantially reduced.

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Another factor affecting premium rates is the overall health of covered individuals. The individual mandate and expanded subsidies have increased the number of Californians who obtain health insurance. Whereas healthy individuals without pre-existing conditions once chose to forgo coverage altogether, the state now makes it mandatory and convenient for them to have health insurance. The inclusion of healthy people into the mix of those covered significantly lowers premium costs for everyone, whether they choose plans on or off the exchange.

Finally, whereas the federal government has decreased its efforts to make health insurance accessible for all Americans, California has stepped up its marketing and outreach to support it. Despite the size and diversity of California’s population, it is evident that these efforts have succeeded in convincing a substantial number of people that health insurance is a necessity rather than a luxury. An increase in covered individuals helps to reduce the premiums for all.

How a Health Insurance Broker Santa Rosa Can Help

In current times, having health insurance is more important than ever, whether or not it is a state requirement. Without employers to simplify coverage options, many individuals will struggle to sort through the vast range of choices or fully understand their needs. 
Sackett Insurance Services can help you and other Santa Rosa residents understand your options and ensure that you obtain budget-friendly rates without compromising your ability to get the healthcare you need and deserve.