Missing dog catches taxi to airport

Dog in taxi

A king-hearted taxi driver rescued a lost dog during its morning walk – taking the cold cavapoo on a 100-mile adventure before managing to reunite the petrified pooch with its worried owner.

The drama happened when Georgia Crewe and three-year-old Ralph enjoyed their daily early-morning walk near woodland at Gresford Quarry in Wrexham.

The walk started off as any other, with Georgia setting off with Ralph at 5am. During their walk, she bumped into another dog walker and they began chatting. While they were deep in conversation, Ralph ran off – again, nothing out of the ordinary. But Georgia became worried when he didn’t return and she and other dog walkers spent three hours searching the woods, calling out for her beloved pet.

But she was unable to find Ralph, who had started to make his way home after becoming separated from her. He arrived in the area at the same time a taxi driver was picking up a family to take them to Manchester Airport – 50 miles away – and decided to jump in.

As he didn’t have a collar with his owner’s details, the concerned taxi driver let Ralph stay in the so he could keep him safe – and take the family to the airport to begin their holiday.

Georgia told the BBC: “It turned out that he’d left the quarry and gone back to the road in the direction of home.

“A taxi had pulled up to pick up a family who were heading on their holidays. It was cold, and Ralph just jumped into the .”

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Having dropped off his fares, the driver made the return journey to his home in Mold, Flintshire, with his new travel companion. As the same time, news of Ralph’s disappearance had been shared on social media and was spotted by a friend of the cdriver who had heard about his furry fare.

Ralph was reunited with a relieved Georgia by 10am – unaware of the drama his disappearance had caused.

Georgia said: “He’s my baby. He’s super intelligent and it’s really uncharacteristic for him to disappear.”

She told the Manchester Evening News: “He’s never done anything like this before. And I didn’t even mind. I was quite impressed that he had the sense to jump in the taxi. He loves people, and he’s not afraid of anybody. So he just jumped in. The cabby didn’t know what to do. He had to do an airport run. So he decided to take him with him.

“I was worried that he would try and make his way home and try and cross the road and the worst would happen. But he had the sense to find safety, and it’s incredible to have him back.”

And after having her baby home again safely, Georgia pulled out all the stops to treat and pamper him.

She said: “He got back home, had a big breakfast and has slept most of the day.”

In the meantime, Georgia has made sure Ralph now has a geolocating tag, a flashing light and an identity disc so he can be more easily spotted and traced if he decides to go off on another adventure.

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What pets or animals have you had in your taxi?