Motorists Breaking 60mph Limit At Highest Level Since 2016!

Unicom Insurance Services.

There’s been a huge jump in the number of drivers who are willing to admit to speeding on 60mph rural roads – which is unsurprising, since these roads are responsible for more deaths than any other type of road in the UK.

According to recent motor trade industry figures, just under half (48%) of the 3,102 drivers that were questioned confessed to having broken the speed limit in the past year.

That’s a jump from 44% back in 2021, and it matches the highest figure ever seen which was back in 2016. What’s even more shocking, is that nearly 10% of these speeders admitted to doing it frequently, while a further 40% said they’d done it occasionally on up to half of their journeys.

It’s no wonder 514 people were killed in nearly 12,000 collisions on 60mph non-built-up roads in 2021 – that fatality rate is a whopping 4%, which is higher than motorways!

All drivers need to start taking their foot off the accelerator and sticking to the speed limit – or else we will all start seeing our private and motor trade insurance policy going up in price!

If some motorists think the open road is the place where you can really let rip and release the throttle, it will come as no surprise that a whopping 60% of drivers have broken the 70mph limit on motorways and high-speed dual carriageways.

That figure is up 5% compared to 2021, on top of that 40% of drivers have also broken the 30mph limit on urban roads, and 46% have broken the limit on 20 mph roads.

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What is the most common reason people give for speeding?

Sheep mentality of course – 42% of drivers said they exceeded the 70mph limit because other cars were going the same speed. For all those motorists who drive like it’s a test drive on trade plates, you might be surprised to learn a whopping 48% of drivers who have broken the new 20mph limit say it’s because the speed limit is just too darn slow for that particular road.

Most drivers (69%) think motorists only stick to 20mph limits when there is a police car in sight or a speed bump in the way, while 65% say that signs warning of speed cameras nearby make them think twice about the accelerator.

Half (52%) say they would be opposed to any additional 20mph limits being introduced in their local area. However, a similar proportion (48%) believe some 60mph limits on unclassified rural roads should be reduced.

One motor trade industry spokesperson said: “The recent increase in the proportion of drivers admitting to speeding on 60mph rural roads is extremely worrying as more people lose their lives every year in collisions on these roads than on any other. It’s even more concerning that this figure is now back to the all-time high of 48%.

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“While the number of fatalities on our roads is no longer falling, we certainly don’t want to see an increase in deaths. We think the Government should address the issue of fatalities on 60mph rural roads by advising roads authorities to reduce limits on the most dangerous stretches to more appropriate levels. This is something half of drivers (48%) surveyed for the RAC Report on Motoring would like to see, with only a quarter (24%) disagreeing.

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“Drivers sometimes forget or underestimate the role speed plays in fatal and serious collisions as they tend not to see it in the same light as offences like drink or drug-driving or talking on a handheld phone. In fact, in 2021 as many as 253 people lost their lives in collisions where someone was exceeding the speed limit.

“Unfortunately, with our data showing a bigger proportion of drivers now admitting to exceeding the 70mph limit on our fastest roads than at any point since 2017, we are fearful this could be on the way back to the high points of 2015 and 2016 where 70% admitted this. The implications of this from a road safety point of view would be negative.

“What’s more, although motorways are statistically the UK’s safest roads, the abundance of digital signage on them could easily be used to make to try to make them even safer by reminding drivers of the dangers of breaking the speed limit.