What Your Business Should Know About  the COVID-19 Vaccines

The COVID-19 vaccines promise to provide significant relief in a world put on hold due to fears of contamination. The pandemic has had a devastating impact on many businesses whose employees now have questions about the vaccines. A health insurance broker in Santa Rosa can alleviate some concerns by discussing these common questions and answers with your team.

When Will the Vaccine Become Available for Employees?

At this time, the federal government owns and determines the distribution of all available doses of the COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccines may not be available for most business employees until well into 2021. When they become widely available, companies might have the ability to purchase doses they can reserve for their employees. Until then, the following individuals will receive priority:

Healthcare personnelNursing home and assisted living residents Anyone over 65 years oldEssential workersIndividuals with underlying conditions

Will Getting a Vaccine Give Me COVID-19?

None of the vaccines available at this time contain the live virus, and they will not cause an individual to develop COVID-19. Instead, they will allow the body to recognize the virus and build an antibody defense against it. It is essential to know that the vaccines will not cure the virus; therefore, anyone who has contracted COVID-19 immediately before getting vaccinated is likely to experience all of the disease’s symptoms or ramifications. The vaccines require approximately two weeks after entering the body to effectively deter the virus, making them ineffective for infections immediately following vaccination.

How Much Will a COVID-19 Vaccination Cost Me?

Employees insured under a company-sponsored healthcare plan can expect coverage for the full cost of vaccination for themselves and covered family members. This benefit also applies to any vaccinations employees receive from out-of-network providers.

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Do Previously Infected Employees Need Vaccinations?

Getting sick with COVID-19 is not a guarantee of protection against future infections. Although resistance is possible, there is insufficient data to verify the degree or length of potential immunity following COVID-19 illness. All employees can benefit from vaccination whether or not they have had the virus.

Are Masks Still Necessary Following Vaccination?

Although we now know that it can take up to two weeks to develop immunity following vaccination, we do not know how long that immunity lasts. Everyone should continue wearing a mask during the weeks following vaccination. The amount of time needed between future booster shots is also unknown at this time.

Will mRNA Harm My DNA?

The current vaccines contain the virus’s messenger RNA to allow muscle cells to create the virus’s protruding spike proteins responsible for penetrating host cells and creating an infection. Although these proteins do not cause the disease, they allow the body’s immune system to build a defense against them any time they appear, including when the virus is active. The creation of this portion of the virus’s genetic material in no way alters a person’s DNA.

How Your Health Insurance Broker in Santa Rosa Can Help

The COVID-19 vaccines’ availability is a critical step in the reopening of the country. For help navigating ongoing developments that will affect your business and employees, contact us at (707) 823-3689.