Special Ep. Risto Rossar CEO of Insly: How no-code software will unleash an age of insurance innovation

Special Ep. Risto Rossar CEO of Insly: How no-code software will unleash an age of insurance innovation

Imagine a world where your underwriters can design their own insurance products in front of their eyes.

A world where you don’t wait months for developers to come back to show you things they have built that end up bearing no relationship to what you asked them to do.

In this world if you don’t like it you can just dump it and start again. And in this world the idea of legacy technology is meaningless- it simply ceases to exist.

Here your only development cost is a monthly subscription.

Well, it turns out this world is already here and not many of us know about it.

I think you can tell from these words that today’s Episode is one that I found incredibly liberating and enlightening to record.

I love it when I learn something new, especially when its something I have been hearing other people talk about for a while, but I’ve been too busy or perhaps too embarrassed or scared to ask them to explain it to me.

The world of no-code software is one of those things that I’ve been hearing about for a few years, but haven’t really understood in any detail.

So it was brilliant to meet Risto Rossar CEO of Insly, which is a business that has been running a no-code platform for the insurance industry for the best part of a decade.

Risto is one of us – he’s an insurance guy. His first business was a digital insurance broker he launched around the turn of the millennium.

Back then to do this you had to create all the tech yourself because it simply didn’t exist. That firm became very successful in the Baltic States and was sold on.

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But Risto soon realised he was onto something. Scaling brokers globally was hard but scaling software is a lot easier. He decided his next venture would be a tech business that helped to digitise the insurance sector

That is how Insly was born. Now it’s working with 40 carriers and MGAs and around 4,000 brokers from around the world.

Listen on for an inspiring conversation with someone who understands that the only way to unleash real innovation is to liberate insurance folk from the need to learn how to code and allow us to get genuinely creative with insurance for the first time in our history.

In our discussion we also slay a lot of the myths around other tech buzzwords such as Blockchain and the idea of the moment: Embedded Insurance.

Risto is great company and I can highly recommend a listen – you’ll learn a huge amount and hopefully end by feeling inspired and invigorated.

Find out more about Insly here: https://insly.com/en/

And connect with Risto here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ristorossar/