Your Guide to Renting with Pets

Your Guide to Renting with Pets

Maybe you’ve always been a pet-owner and can’t
imagine your life without your furry companion at your side. Or perhaps you’re
interested in becoming a pet-owner for the first time; you’ve got your heart
set on adopting a dog or bringing home your first goldfish (baby
steps, right?). Whatever the case may be, if you’re a renter or future-renter,
then you’re probably learning that not all landlords love animals as much as
you do.

Finding a pet-friendly rental can be
challenging, but the good news is it’s possible! Use the tips below to find the
perfect home for your companions.

Tips for finding a pet-friendly

your pet wisely.
If you’re a renter or a soon-to-be renter who is interested
in getting a pet, the first step is deciding what kind of pet realistically
fits your lifestyle.
Perhaps you’ve always dreamed of having a Great Dane but also realize that
perhaps your budget doesn’t allow for a rental
space that would provide the room and yard that a Great Dane would

As a future pet owner, it’s important to ask
yourself what you’re realistically up for. Pets are a lot of work! And some
definitely require more care and attention than others. For example, if you
work 10-hour shifts, then it might be difficult to have a dog. Instead, you may
want to consider a smaller animal such as a fish, lizard or hamster. These
smaller animals don’t need to be taken outside frequently and require less
affection than traditional pets such as cats and dogs. Cats work well for pet
owners with busy lifestyles as they tend to be solitary creatures and don’t
mind being left alone for prolonged periods of time, so long as they have food,
water and other necessities.

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yourself time.
It can be difficult to find a landlord
and rental property that are OK with pets. Giving yourself plenty of time for
the search can alleviate some stress. Once you start your search, be diligent.
Do your research and check out your top prospects in-person.

outside your current community.
Not finding exactly
what you need in your current neighborhood? Then perhaps it’s time to expand
your search perimeter. Set a perimeter around the places you commute to most
often, and work from there.

your pet up for success.
Make a resume for your pet!
Sound silly? Maybe. But your future landlord will appreciate the effort you put
in to showing how your pet may just be the best-behaved pet there ever was. On
your pet’s resume, include their adoption story, their best qualities and any
training courses they may have completed.

your pet.
Remember all of those great things you’re
going to say about your pet on their resume? Make sure they’re all true! This
is especially important if you’re a dog owner. Train your dog not to bark or
chew on things they shouldn’t, like furniture and blankets. Need help in the training
department? There are plenty of training resources available online.

references for your pet.
Just like people, your landlord will be more accepting of
your pet if you can provide references. If you’re currently renting and have a
good relationship with your landlord, consider asking them to write a letter of
recommendation for your pet.


Best Practices, once you’ve found
your new home:

You found a place that allows pets! Cue enormous sigh of relief. But the
work doesn’t completely stop there. It’s important to start developing a good
relationship with your landlord, who may or may not still be wary about your
pet. Follow the tips below to ensure that your dreams of renting with a pet
stay on track:

true to your promises.
If you’ve promised that your
dog is the best-behaved dog on planet earth, then now isn’t the time to let
Fido start barking at the cat across the street. Just like how new environments
and life changes can be stressful to people, they can also be stressful to
animals. Help your pet through the moving transition by paying close attention
to stress behaviors. Identifying what is causing your pet stress will help you
alleviate their stressors and, as a result, mitigate potentially poor behavior.
It’s also important to continue to enforce good behavior with affection and

your place clean.
Just like any good tenant, be
mindful of keeping your space clean. This is especially important as a pet
owner as you want to make a good impression with your landlord, should they
ever need to pop in to do some maintenance. Keeping a tidy space
also means less temptation for your cat or dog to go rummaging through things they shouldn’t,
such as food, cleaning supplies and medicines while you’re away!

The cleanliness should continue outside. Be
respectful of your landlord’s outdoor space. If there is a specific area where
your pet should relieve themselves, be sure to always take your pet to that
location. If not, make sure you always clean up after them. The last thing you
want is your landlord to ruin a shoe over your beloved pet and have the both of
you looking for a new place to live.

renters insurance.
Renters insurance is affordable and
can protect you and your belongings from theft and disaster. Consider pursuing
renters insurance to add an extra level of protection to your home for you and
your pet.