10 Major Challenges Facing the Insurance Industry in 2022

10 Major Challenges Facing the Insurance Industry in 2022

What are the major challenges facing the insurance industry in 2022? What are the best strategies for tackling these problems faced by insurance companies, underwriters, brokers and agents in 2022?

It’s a general notion that insurance firms are companies set up to cancel the ripple effect of unforeseen circumstances. That is why we are here to provide you with the core solutions to problems facing insurance companies near you.

Insurance companies are ever ready to bear your risk because we live in a very unpredictable society with varieties of daily risks; it is believed that a person at a particular point in life will run into a situation that may endanger his or her life and property.

Any industrialized society today has the backbone of the insurance industry which is an explanation of why many companies and industries in developed nations do not liquidate.

Against many odds, most people still believe that insurance firms will be viable and popular in societies. However, this is not the case as we still have many insurance businesses facing difficult challenges that deeply threaten their survival and existence.

These common challenges faced by insurance companies, agents and brokers are so rampant in less developed societies where political and socio-economic systems are yet to be stabilized. There are also many obstacles faced by clients of various insurance companies.

Every social, economic, and political systems in these developing countries present terrible problems for insurance companies. Some of the societies with dangerous conditions to the insurance sector are Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and Latin America.

Insurance industry challenges in Ethiopia or South Africa are far more serious than the issues facing insurers and underwriters in the United States, Canada, Australia and the UK.

It is obvious than for an individual who just started the business of selling insurance; this individual will have to double his or her effort as it is not easy and very difficult to survive in this insurance terrain.

Today, every business changes in some ways and the changes can either be negative or positive. It is a fact that in every industry, there are various problems to be faced.

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Improving cyber security and reducing cyber risk is still a top priority of every insurance company. Insurers are always seeking new technologies they can deploy to tackle the problems their customers face. As we all know that cyber risk is not only pertaining to the insurance industry alone but the industry is considered as “behind” when compared to the banking or some other financial sector.

Below Are the 10 Key Challenges Facing the Insurance Industry in 2022

They are considered to be the biggest challenges facing the insurance industry be it in the United States, the UK and other parts of the world.

1. Cyber Risk

Risks faced by insurance companies are quite numerous to mention. One of such risks is a cyber attack. The cost of defending your enterprise network is not child’s play. Insurers have to do diligent research and study on cyber criminality and also have to reinforce their own systems to remain resilient.

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Insurance companies need to understand that doing business using legacy systems that have varying levels of security is tantamount to their business.

Cyber risk is something that cannot be fully mitigated but can be prevented as hackers are always moving and adapting much quicker than the defenses on the ground.

The risk of data and privacy compromisation are the among top problems faced by customers in insurance companies. As more insurance companies tilt towards remote working, the need to enhance cyber security becomes more glaring.

2. The High Level of Insurance Technology

There are several business challenges that established insurers are facing as they try to meet new customer needs while improving core insurance functions. Some of the issues are the cost of maintaining a high level of insurance technology which has now become a norm in the insurance industry and causing fierce competition among players.

Every insurance company is now looking for ways to leverage and incorporate technology into their business growth strategy. There is more emphasis now on the use of artificial intelligence and blockchain in the insurance business processes, as this helps to improve efficiency and automating all business processes like customer-facing, underwriting and claims processes. This was what gave rise to insurtech. Traditional insurers are still finding it difficult to properly integrate new technologies.

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3. Trust Issues

This is one big reason why many individuals still find it difficult to drop their hard-earned money for insurance companies. Many corrupt insurance firms fail to pay claims to their customers, and they don`t usually disclose or offer some benefits to them.

Some people even classify insurance companies as another means of the financial burden. Many insurance firms have shut down because of financial challenges and individuals who are the victims of the loss now think twice about purchasing insurance policies again in their life as a result of the financial constraint the loss has brought on them.

4. Market Competition

Today, there are many insurance firms in the market and therefore there is ongoing stiff competition among the insurance players. Every insurance company looks for the best way of selling its insurance products in the best possible way.

Most insurance businesses, especially the new ones are the ones that suffer the most because a lot of people still doubt their ability to take up the risk for an individual. In fact, most people trust the established and existing insurance firms compared to the new ones since the new insurance companies are operated on a thin line between failure and success and no one would want to take such risks with the little cash they have to survive.

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Dynamism in consumer needs is one of the key challenges facing health insurance companies. You can’t solve this problem by using a complex analogy to interpret things to your customers as a health insurer.

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5. Poor Management

When an insurance company does not have a well-structured team, those that have the sole responsibility of managing the finance and strategizing for the company development, then the company is diving into bankruptcy very speedily.

Poor management is one of the problems faced by customers in insurance companies. Most insurers can cancel your car insurance policy even before the renewal date.

As time goes on, there will be a constant increase in the number of clients` complaints, and if his or her insurance firm is not transparent enough, then he or she will lose more customers. Incompetent management may cost the company a lot, especially in the area of poor communication with its clients.

There is a need for good collaboration between the insurance company, agent or broker and their clients by always updating them with details of unfolding events.

6. Economic Instability

When the country`s economy is not stable this will have negative effects on all insurance companies. This may bring about an increase in premiums paid by customers, just like interest rates on credit facilities provided by financial institutions. This could one of the factors that influence insurance rates in the United States, the United Kingdom and even Canada.

There’s no customer that would like to pay an exorbitant insurance plan, even if it is stated clearly in the contract form that the insurance rates might change from time to time. This will not go well with the insurance companies in this zone as people will start spreading information about a service or product they were not happy with very fast.

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7. Unskilled Worker

We have some non-professionals running many of the insurance companies today. Some people believe that you only need some minor knowledge of monetary studies with no specialized training to establish an insurance firm. This is a huge misconception about insurance industry.

There is more to just some basic monetary knowledge, you must be a full-fledged financial practitioner before you can start such a business with so much at risk. When quacks operate an insurance company the result you get cannot be dependable and reliable.

8. Dynamism of Customer Expectations

Customer expectations are constantly changing. This is a huge challenge to agents, underwriters and adjusters in the insurance sector. While you are trying to get used to one trendy expectation, another one shows up. Keeping up with these shifts is one of the biggest challenges facing the insurance industry. 

It’s either clients are becoming more price-sensitive, are changing their communication preferences, or anything else, the constant evolution of customer expectations is alarming. In order to maximize all the opportunities available in the insurance sector, agents, underwriters and adjusters need to stay on top of evolving expectations.

9. Climate Change

The impact of climate change on insurance



The constant effects of climate change on Americans have given rise to a variety of challenges facing the insurance industry. The property and casualty insurance sector of the market which represents about US 1.6 trillion in premiums, which is just one-third of the insurance industry has shown how far climate change is one of the biggest challenges.

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Climate change poses as s systemic risk to the insurance industry and there’s need for the relevant sectors to address it. Hurricane Harvey caused $125 billion in economic damage in 2017. The 2019–20 Australian bushfires killed more than a billion animals and caused more than $4.4 billion in damage.

According to CoreLogic, a global property data and analytics provider, Hurricane Ian which manifested as flood and wind cost Americans between $41 billion to $70 billion. Flood loss from the National Flood Insurance Program and private insurance for residential and commercial properties is estimated to be between $8 billion and $18 billion, which includes both re-evaluated storm surge and new estimates for inland flooding. Uninsured flood loss for this area is estimated to be between $10 billion and $17 billion. Wind losses are estimated to be $23 billion to $35 billion.

10. High Cost of Advertising

One of the biggest challenges facing the insurance industry is high cost of advertising. In order to stay profitable, insurers are now embracing content marketing and SEO even as they tighten their ad budget. Some property and casualty insurance companies like Progressive and Hartford has already started cutting down their advertising and marketing budget.

Challenges Facing Insurance Companies in Developing Countries  

Challenges facing insurance companies in developing countries are worse now due to the coronavirus pandemic compared to what you will notice in countries like the United States, Canada and Australia.

The impact of COVID-19 on the insurance industry is a huge one right now. Chubb insurance, popular for selling cyberbullying insurance policy already lost $1.4 billion in the second-quarter report.

Some of the key problems or should we say major issues facing the insurance industry in developing countries are instability in government policies, high-level cyberattack, slow speed of digital transformation making it difficult for intending policyholders and existing ones to get insurance quotes online without necessarily visiting the agency offices or calling on the phone and the steady influx of unskilled insurance marketers doing damage to the integrity of the firm.

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How to deal with these challenges facing insurance companies in developing countries is to seek help from industry professionals and establish a working framework that suits the system on the ground.

Both the car, life, home, yoga and the business insurance sectors all face the same challenges. To a large extent, these things can affect the growth and expansion of the industry.

The challenges facing insurance brokers and the problems faced by underwriters can to a large extent limit their productivity and the growth of the entire industry.

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Temitope Odemo

TEMITOPE ODEMO is an experienced Leader in IT Infrastructure with strong background in cloud technology, network management, cybersecurity, system admin, Installation and maintenance of software and hardware. As a contributor in EntrepreneurBusinessBlog.com, he manages the EBB Intelligence Category where he writes on Artificial Intelligence and its overall impact on small businesses and enterprise. Connect with him on Twitter and IG with @mastert002.