Snow, sleet, and ice, oh my! The fear of winter driving is not uncommon, and while you
can’t always control the conditions in which you are driving, there are ways to
help you be prepared and settle your nerves.
Continue reading below to learn more about
ways to confront your fears of winter driving.

Prepare Your Vehicle Before Your

Prior to getting on the road, it’s a good idea
to prepare your vehicle. Clean off the exterior
of your vehicle, removing any snow, ice, or dirt build-up. Ensure that your
side mirrors and any sensors that your vehicle may have are clear. Check your tires to make sure they are in
working order, assessing things like tire pressure and tread. Installing snow tires on your vehicle can make it easier
to navigate snowy roads. If you have all-season tires, make sure that
the tread is more than 2/32 of an inch–if not, they should be replaced
 according to the United
States Department of Transportation. Click here to learn how to properly check your
tire’s tread.


Leave Plenty of Time to Arrive at Your Destination

Making sure that you leave with plenty of time
to get to your destination is beneficial for not only those with a fear of winter driving but a good rule of thumb for
all winter travelers. Even while driving on your typical route, you may not
know what the terrain will become after snow or ice has accumulated. Leaving
early ensures that you will not have to rush on the roads, and you can take
your time in the event of any accidents that can put you behind schedule.

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Slow Down

When you’ve given yourself plenty of time to
arrive at your destination, you can employ one of the best tactics to ensure
you travel safely: slowing down. Slowing down on the roads is one of the best
ways to cope with winter driving because a lot of the accidents occur when a
vehicle is moving too fast and is unable to stop because of slick road
conditions. Slowing down helps you better control your vehicle when there could
be black ice or sharp turns along the way.


Stay in Your Lane

Whether it’s snow squalls blowing through the
road, or a bright glare from the sun on the snow, visibility can be a big
concern for those anxious about driving in the winter. One way to protect
yourself, your passengers, and other vehicles on the road is to avoid any
unnecessary lane changes. You may notice after heavy snowfall some lanes are
more plowed, or more heavily traveled than others. Make an effort to drive in
plowed lanes, or lanes where other vehicles have formed a visible track. This
can help you stay in your lane if the lines become difficult to see.


Vehicle Handling

There are a few different tips you can try to help you become more
comfortable with how your vehicle handles in the snow. First, don’t use cruise
control in snowy conditions as it may cause your tires to spin faster and lose
control if there is ice on the road. Also, avoid sudden stops, gear shifts, and
fast turns. If you find yourself in a skid, try to remain calm and take your foot
off the accelerator. Next, ease on the break and make small adjustments in the
direction you want to go in.


Increase Distance Between Vehicles 

In non-winter conditions, motorists should follow
a three second rule: your vehicle should be about three seconds stopping-distance
behind the vehicle in front of you. In the winter, this should be increased to
five to six seconds so that you have ample time to stop or react to the road or
vehicles ahead of you. These extra few seconds can be precious if you need to
stop at a moment’s notice.


Staying Alert

Be aware of your surroundings, including the
sound and feel of your vehicle. Areas of terrain that you should be on the
lookout for and proceed with caution toward are bridges, overpasses, and ramps.
These areas tend to freeze first and stay frozen for longer than
the typical road, and are often culprits of black ice.

Be Prepared for the Unexpected

You can always try your best to avoid
unfortunate events on the road, but sometimes they are inevitable. Having vehicle supplies such as extra windshield
wiper fluid, oil, a snow brush, an ice scraper, jumper cables, tire chains, and
rope could make the difference for you or someone else having a bad day on the
roads. Other items you may want to have on hand can be found in your car safety kit, including a blanket, winter
gloves, and a winter hat in case you ever have to wait for assistance.
And if it ever comes to it, remember, it is safer to stay inside your vehicle
than outside when waiting for help.


Staying In

If possible, avoid unnecessary trips when
driving conditions are poor. If the forecast calls for heavy snow, ice, or
wind, make sure you are stocked up on supplies so that you don’t have to go out
for any food or household necessities before the roads are cleared. While it’s
helpful to be able to overcome your fear of driving in the winter, there are
times (such as a declared state of emergency) when it’s simply unsafe for
anyone to travel.
Winter driving can be scary with all of the
different elements complicating your commute. However, practicing these winter
driving tips can help you be prepared for winter conditions on the road. Click  below for more tips on keeping your vehicle prepared in the winter!