Why insurance professionals should attend Christmas parties

Why insurance professionals should attend Christmas parties

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She said a work Christmas party is an opportunity for low key, informal, low stakes conversations with new colleagues who we may never have talked with before. Ewert, who describes herself as a professional negotiator, has seven tips for industry professionals to help them make the most of their Christmas do.

1. Be interested, not interesting: Be interested in others’ conversations, ask questions and listen. Ewert advises against being the person “who just wants to dazzle us with their stories” and instead, suggested engaging with other employees. “Being interested allows us to shift the conversation so that we can listen more than we talk,” she said. “So that we can actually make genuine connections with people and not just have superficial conversation about things that don’t matter.”

2. Don’t show-up and throw up: Don’t dominate the Christmas soiree and make yourself the hero by talking about yourself.  She advises speaking less than 40% of the time.

3. Never dump on a colleague: “So what we don’t want to do is dump a colleague and make the excuse that we’re filling up our drink or going to the bathroom,” said Ewert. “They know that we’re not going to the bathroom and that instead they’ll see us talking to someone else that we think is more exciting.”

Instead, when the conversation is drawing to a close – for example, when the weather comes up – she suggests spotting someone else and then using this lull “as an opportunity to shift your conversation collectively.” Then you can bring you current conversation partner over to the new person to meet them.

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“Who knows? Maybe the person you’re talking to is just incredibly nervous or maybe they just don’t like socializing,” said Ewert. “It’s really important to be respectful to people, be a good human, be nice.”

4. It’s about connecting, not collecting: ‘Collecting’ said Ewert is what you do at industry events when you gather up as many business cards as possible. “The Christmas party is not one of these, it’s not an opportunity to set up a pop-up stall and collect business cards from everybody and see if you can have a drink with everyone in the room,” she said.

Ewert said Christmas parties are an opportunity to connect properly and have informal, rewarding and enjoyable human conversations. “We’re going to go for quality here over quantity,” she said.

5. Don’t ask, “So, how was your year?”:  Ewert said this is a lifeless question that will likely illicit a lifeless response. “Not everyone wants to talk about their job at a Christmas party,” she said. “Craft your elevator pitch so people understand your role and why you’re passionate about it, all within 20 seconds, and then move on.”

6. Good manners and the RSVP: Ewert said ‘no shows’ can cost your firm thousands of dollars and with current budgets so tight, not showing up could mean you’re remembered for the wrong reasons. “Don’t RSVP ‘maybe’, it suggests you’ll only show up if you don’t get a better offer,” she said.

7. Dress for the event: Ewert said what you wear to the Christmas party needs to be a reflection of your profession and personal brand. “Leave your mobile in your bag and laptop at the door to show you’re interested,” she said. “Remember, it’s too hard shaking hands with a drink and work bag.”

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For independent brokers who work alone she has a Christmas recommendation.

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“There’s someone in my network who posted a really great idea on LinkedIn,” she said. “Given the number of independent contractors out there who don’t have a big team, or their teams are all the way around the country, this person is hosting an independent contractors Christmas party where the proceeds go to charity – what a cracking idea!”

Ewert has booked her plane ticket and plans to attend.