How Can I Support Our Veterans?

How Can I Support Our Veterans?


10 Ways to Show Appreciation to Armed Service Veterans

Veterans Day is celebrated in the United
States every year on November 11. Originally established in 1919 as Armistice
Day to commemorate the signing of the armistice that ended World War I at the
11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month the year prior, the holiday was
formally changed to Veterans Day in 1954 to honor U.S. veterans of
all wars.


Veterans Day serves as an opportunity for
citizens to show their appreciation for the sacrifices made by veterans,
inviting individuals to reflect on and show gratitude for the selfless service
put forth by all people defending freedom. Where on Memorial Day Americans
remember and honor those who lost their lives in war, Veterans Day celebrates
the service of all U.S. military veterans.


To show gratitude for the sacrifices made by
veterans, you may be wondering what you can do to support U.S. military
veterans. Continue reading to learn 10 ways you can support veterans:


Visit a local Veteran Affairs (VA) facility

New York State is home to a number of veterans
homes and VA clinics. One way to show thanks to veterans is by visiting one of
these facilities to try to brighten some of the residents’ days simply by
spending some time together. Do some research to find out where the closest
clinic is to you and contact the staff to see how you can arrange a visit. Some
VA clinics may even allow you to bring in a pet to meet the veterans!

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Offer sincere gratitude for their service

“Thank you for your
service” is a phrase that is often communicated around Veterans Day, so much so
that it may or may not be appreciated by service members. While it can be a
nice gesture to thank a stranger for their service, it is also an intimate
subject to mention in passing. When you thank a military veteran for their service,
remember that their military history can be an extremely personal and formative
topic and one that should be discussed with the utmost respect.

Volunteer to drive veterans to appointments

One step you can take
to make an immediate difference in the life of a veteran is to volunteer to drive them to an appointment. While VA
services strive to take care of veterans in need, veterans can sometimes use
additional support getting to and from appointments. The Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Transportation
is one possible place you can easily sign up to volunteer to shuttle veterans.

Attend a Veterans Day Parade

Many communities
stage parades on Veterans Day as a display of patriotism for those in the
military. Get involved by spectating a local Veterans Day parade near you! If
you are unsure of opportunities to do so, contact your local veterans service
organization such as the VFW or American Legion to see how you can show

Get informed and spread the word about available
veterans resources

When it comes to
supporting veterans who are struggling with life after service, one of the best
things you can do is educate yourself on available resources so that you can
help a veteran get the help they need if the time ever comes. For more
information on benefits available to Veterans in New York State, visit the NYS Division of
Veterans Services

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Donate to a cause benefiting veterans

#GivingTuesday early this month by making a donation to a cause that serves
veterans. There are many options to choose from, but consider doing some
research locally to see where your support is most needed.

Listen to a veteran and help share their story

If a veteran is
comfortable sharing stories about their past, consider helping them document
their military history to submit to the United States Library of Congress’
Veterans History Project. The Veterans History Project aims to collect,
preserve, and make accessible personal accounts of American war veterans.

Shop at veteran-owned businesses

Veterans tend to be
driven, goal-oriented, and disciplined people—all the makings of a great
business owner
. Make an effort to shop at veteran owned businesses
when possible, to support their bottom line. If you are unsure where to start, check
out this database
listing veteran-owned businesses in NYS.

Respect the Flag Code

While the United States Flag is a symbol representing
freedom and patriotism to many, to members of the armed services, it represents
much more than that. One way to honor veterans is to learn about the flag code
and the proper ways the flag should be presented as a show of respect to the
people who have defended it.

Teach your kids about Veterans Day

Help inform your children and future generations
about Veterans Day and the importance of respecting and serving our veterans.
More than a day off from work and school, Veterans Day is a chance to reflect
and give back to the people who dedicated their lives to defending freedom.

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NYCM Insurance is the proud workplace of a
number of veterans who served our country and now support our customers. Click
below to read a blog highlighting some of these amazing veterans!