Living Wills: Basic Points It Allows You to Make the Tough Calls


Many organizations offer a retirement planning benefit. It is a good idea, and older employees appreciate having it. A comprehensive retirement program is the best way to go. A quality plus retirement planning benefit would include living wills.

No one enjoys thinking about death, but a final illness or terminal emergency can happen. An unresponsive victim might be put on life support, prolonging dying for months. Delaying the inevitable might not be what a person wants. It is therefore essential to tell health care providers what to do.

Elements of the Living Will

Everyone thinks of life support systems, but a living will covers other health care areas. You can provide instructions on several essential things, such as:

Organ Donation. A person can specify if there will be an organ donation after death. Cremation can also be requested.
Religious Observance. Many religions prohibit using certain medical procedures or require specific health care. An individual can give faith-based instructions in a living will.
Palliative Care. This deals with pain management created by a final illness. A patient can use the living will to direct quality of life procedures in the last days.
Does a person want medical intervention, including IV drips or tube feedings? The living will instructs the medical staff about personal preferences.

What a person wants regarding medical care in a terminal situation is what a living will stipulates. It takes the burden off of the healthcare providers and also family members. The decisions are already made: the victim has determined what must be done.

Not all group legal plans offer a living will option. Fortunately, Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services does.

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Countrywide Gives Expert Service

We have a nationwide network of attorneys who will provide pre-paid legal services. In addition, there is a Countrywide attorney in the community of every Countrywide client organization.

Our attorneys can write a living will and know how it should be constructed. It is easy to set up a meeting where the legal expert will explain the ins and outs of drafting the document. No one expects a group legal plan member to understand all of the terms thoroughly, and a Countrywide attorney explains everything and ensures that what is shared is understood. The final product is easy to follow and will stand up in court.

The Client’s Role Is Essential

We will not furnish a boilerplate benefit. Countrywide believes the best group legal plan is tailored to meet the needs of a client’s workforce. We ask a prospective client to help with the creation of the benefit.

Countrywide will explain all the pre-paid legal services we offer. We answer any questions management may have, and we encourage productive conversations. The decision-makers will decide what benefits are in their group legal plan, which will be in the final plan document. In addition, Countrywide furnishes the administration and member services.

We also provide attorneys who have superior people skills. It is not easy to talk about, but a living will is an essential document for an older employee. Finally, we want to assure prospective clients that we recruit attorneys based on their level of emotional intelligence.

No question is considered foolish, and a Countrywide lawyer listens to the needs of a group legal plan member. Everyone who has worked with a Countrywide lawyer will agree they were treated with respect from the beginning. We insist on empathy, and any attorney who does not show it will not be working for us.

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A living will relieve the worries of a person’s mind. It means that in an emergency or terminal illness, an individual’s wishes are followed carefully. As we mentioned, loved ones do not have to make heart-wrenching decisions. If you have any questions about our benefits, please contact us at your convenience. We would welcome any opportunity to explain the advantages of our pre-paid legal services.