My Kickstart Scheme experience

My Kickstart Scheme experience

Kickstart Schemes… I won’t lie and say I was overly excited about the idea of a Kickstart Scheme before I applied through Gateshead Job Centre. As I mentioned in My experience of working at Talbot Jones, my expectations of Kickstart Schemes were very low based on the four friends I know who had been employed through a Kickstart Scheme. There was a common theme of the employers not fulfilling the promise they had made to train the Kickstart employees or help them find employment afterwards.

One friend was promised experience video editing, instead they placed bets on sports. Another friend was promised experience as a web developer, instead they handed out leaflets for the company. Both of these friends worked for the same employer who had taken on over a dozen of young people and nobody received training or support finding work afterwards. Another friend seemed to be led down the garden path, they were told they would co-manage a business but once they started, they were told they had to work the first month for free and after a month was expected to handle the responsibilities of the whole business themselves while the employer was down the country setting up a new business. Finally, the last friend I knew worked from home writing content but they received hardly any feedback for their work and was expected to pay for their own training. They also didn’t receive full pay for their hours worked. You can read more about how the Kickstart Scheme works and the expectations of employers here.

So, as you can imagine, DWP must have received some complaints from Kickstarters on the schemes because a lot of businesses were evidently taking advantage of the scheme and the young people. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to apply for a Kickstart Scheme as a business or a job seeker. At the time, I was told by my job coach to apply for Kickstart Schemes before the end of March as it would allow me to gain experience in a new sector which was what I wanted. While I was rightfully suspicious, I thought, what have I got to lose?

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I remember applying for the Marketing position at the Job Centre, thinking it sounded amazing. I was to be mentored by somebody with a PGCE, I was going to get experience creating content for social media and managing a website and there would be opportunities to get training in Insurance and Marketing. Honestly, it sounded too good to be true. Especially after what I had heard about the Kickstart Schemes, I thought, it’s probably just another garden path, but I’ll take a stroll anyways.

So, I remember turning up to the interview and I thought, “wow, this building is huge, Talbot Jones must have so many employees!” (it was Greensfield Business Centre in Gateshead) and when I went inside, I realised the offices were for separate businesses. Talbot Jones’ office had character; pictures on the wall, a cabinet of figurines, desks with personal gifts and photos on the desks. It definitely wasn’t what I imagined an ‘office’ to look like as I had never really been in an office (apart from school and university) before.

The interview was very relaxed, although, as I am horribly self-critical I remember thinking I could have answered the questions a lot better so I automatically thought I had been unsuccessful. When I received the call from Clare announcing that they had decided to give me a chance, I was so pleased! I didn’t have to keep looking for work because I had finally been offered a marketing role.

My first month, I was quite surprised by how much I had learned. I had gained so much knowledge from Clare about marketing on social media and building an online portfolio (see second feature image of my first day which was posted on LinkedIn) and building valuable connections with people, rather than just connecting with any random person on LinkedIn, for example. I was given the amazing opportunity to complete training and travel to Consett for a co-working session with other Kickstarters and Apprentices through MINT Business Club and attend Webinars hosted by Small Business Britain. I was able to register as a member of the IDM (Institute of Data & Marketing) and the CII (Chartered Institute of Insurance) and started studying for a Level 2 Award in Insurance. At this point, I was telling my friends about it and they said, “well you were lucky!” And I definitely felt very lucky too.

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Three months into the Kickstart Scheme, I had gained two Level 2 qualifications through taking part in the EMS Going For Growth course where I met brilliant trainers and lovely participants and learned so much. I had attended my first Networking event at the North East Expo to represent the business which was both overwhelming and exciting and I had started receiving support to boost my employability skills through writing a series of blogs based on the book From Learner to Earner by Sophie Milliken. I attended a work lunch (see feature image) and got to meet the lovely Miranda, Talbot Jones’ Claims Manager who works from her own hub in the Lake District and I was invited to attend the BIBA (British Insurance Brokers Association) conference in Manchester where I got to see where Talbot Jones fit into the wider Insurance marketplace and meet other people from the industry which was a fantastic opportunity.

The final three months I got to attend a very inspiring and emotional event hosted by Inspired HR, I finally achieved my Level 2 Award in Insurance from the CII and I independently managed the website and social media content for the business. I was rewarded freedom and flexibility to put the skills and knowledge I had learned to good use which has allowed me to build confidence in myself to develop a career in Marketing.

I have now started studying for a Level 6 Award in Digital Marketing Strategy thanks to Talbot Jones and I am pleased I will continue to do work for the business one day a week. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities I have had during my Kickstart Scheme and I look forward to future opportunities in Marketing. If you know of any opportunities, find me on LinkedIn and I would be delighted to find out more.

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Talbot Jones Ltd is a family-run chartered insurance heritage specialist in the Third Sector and Professional risks. Get in touch for free insurance advice, review or quotation.