Is Coffee Good Or Bad For Your Health?

Is Coffee Good Or Bad For Your Health?

A cup of coffee in the morning is a long-established ritual for many of us in America. According to Gallup News, nearly two-thirds of all adults in the U.S. drink at least one cup of coffee a day. Average daily consumption is 2.7 cups, a statistic that has not changed since 1999, despite warnings in the past that coffee may be harmful to your health. Fortunately, in light of these facts, recent research has shown that coffee may be good for you after all.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Drinking Coffee?

The Mayo Clinic reports the following health benefits of coffee:

Recent studies have linked coffee consumption to decreased overall mortality, and possibly to cardiovascular mortality, although this may not apply to younger people who drink large amounts of coffee.
Studies have shown that coffee may help protect people against several serious diseases, including Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes, liver cancer, and liver disease.
Coffee appears to decrease the risk of depression and improve cognitive function.

As stated on Healthline:

Coffee is high in antioxidants and contains essential nutrients, including vitamins B2, B5, B1, and B3, folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
The caffeine contained in coffee enhances brain function and boosts metabolism.
Coffee drinkers have up to a 65% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s.
Studies have shown that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of dementia.

Are There Any Risks Associated With Drinking Coffee?

According to the Mayo Clinic, research has shown that high consumption of unfiltered coffee (as with espresso or a French press) has been associated with mild elevation of cholesterol levels.
Additionally, some studies have found that among people with a fairly common genetic mutation that slows the body’s breakdown of caffeine, drinking two or more cups of coffee a day can increase the risk of heart disease.
Healthline reports that consuming too much caffeine can cause anxiety and disrupt sleep.
Caffeine in coffee is addictive. When people who are used to drinking coffee regularly miss a few cups, they can suffer withdrawal symptoms, including headaches, brain fog, irritability, and exhaustion.

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How To Get More Health Benefits From Drinking Coffee

If you are a coffee drinker like most adults in America, there are certain things you can do to maximize the health benefits:

Do not drink excessive amounts of coffee. Healthline reports that 400 mg of caffeine per day is considered a safe upper limit for healthy adults. The average eight-ounce cup of coffee provides approximately 100 mg of caffeine.
Avoid adding a lot of sugar to your coffee. This includes avoiding lattes or other coffee beverages with flavor syrups, caramel sauce, or other high-calorie ingredients added.
Brew your coffee with a paper filter. Unfiltered coffee contains a substance called cafestol that can increase cholesterol levels.

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