How to stay on top of risk management for an outdoor event

How to stay on top of risk management for an outdoor event

Sports Club’s Risk Management Responsibilities

In the run up to the premier league season and the World Cup, Clubs all over the country will be preparing to host many visitors into their clubhouse to watch live sport. When expecting increased capacity such as on Super Saturdays, club need to be prepared for the dangers and risks of having more people on sight. Sports clubs are responsible for all people on your grounds.

Combining televised sports with outdoor events is a great way to attract new and lapsed members to your club. People love events where they can take the whole family, but still drink and enjoy their favourite team compete. So if you get your event right, it could be a great little money earner.

Getting an event right isn’t just a case of pleasing customers. You need to make sure your risk management is up to date and keeping people, and property, safe.

So Club Insure have put together a few risk management responsibilities that you need to consider before you host an outdoor event at your club:


It’s important to remember that the entire grounds of your club are your responsibility. Just because you believe people won’t go in a certain area, doesn’t mean you can leave it in an unsafe state.

Not so long ago, one of our clients faced a claim where a dog walker had fallen on their playing fields after workmen repairing the pitch had left a hole uncovered as they stopped for the weekend.

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It’s your responsibility to create a safe space for all your visitors, and you must appreciate that not everyone will stay in assigned areas.

Ensure that you have swept all areas of your grounds for potential hazards, and properly cordoned off any areas that are off-limits to visitors.

Emergency vehicle access

It goes without saying that if an accident or injury occurs, ambulances, fire engines and police cars need a way into your grounds. It may sound obvious, but when you’re planning the layout of your event (where bars, stalls and entertainment are located), don’t put popular attractions anywhere near escape routes. Anything that will draw large numbers of people also has the potential to cause a blockade.


Hopefully, your event will increase bar takings, which is great. But it’s important to think about the security of the people tasked with handling the cash.

Don’t let cash build up. Make sure that you collect takings in a lockable cash box, and the cash is removed on a regular basis. We’d also advise selling tickets before the event to reduce the amount you’re taking on the day.

As per money cover in your commercial insurance policy, you are insured for all cash on your premises and cash that’s on the way to the bank, so long as it is supervised or securely locked away. If any cash goes missing, it is your responsibility to know what happened, such as theft or fire, in order to be able to claim.

Where possible, take cash to the bank when the event finishes. Otherwise, keep it in a safe until the bank is open. Very recently, a club near the Club Insure head office was robbed of the entire takings from a fun day after an overnight burglary. Stay financially secure by contacting Club Insure about our comprehensive sports club insurance portfolio.

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All entertainment events are classed as work, as are most activities, so they are subject to the Health and Safety at Work Act and the various other regulations passed under it. Also it is virtually certain that any volunteers working at the event will be classed as employees for the purposes of Employers Liability and Health & Safety legislation. For more information on how to properly ensure your volunteers at your club our covered, see our article on Do I Need Insurance For My Volunteers?

As an event organiser, you have a duty to ensure that any places of work are safe for employees. This includes managing the risk of slip and trip hazards, dangerous materials and unsafe noise levels.

From a licensing point of view, there’s a chance you’ll need a Temporary Event Notice if your club doesn’t usually hold events of this type. Check with your local authority to make sure.

Hazardous Events

In insurance, when we talk about hazardous events, we’re talking about things like assault courses, bouncy castles, bungee jumping and firework displays.

If you’re planning on hosting any of those (or similar) at your event, you must contact your broker beforehand. Not doing so could leave you underinsured or non-compliant.

If you’re hiring an outside contractor to run hazardous events, make sure that they hold their own adequate public liability policy with an indemnity.

Manual Handling

A risk assessment must be carried out in respect of all manual handling tasks. Manual handling must be avoided if at all possible or mechanical handling aids such as trolleys used for moving heavy equipment.

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Club Insure clients have access to a full digital risk management service as well as support from our expert in-house claims team. Try our risk assessment checklist to see how adequately you are covered.

If you need any more information or advice, make sure you get in touch with Club Insure during your planning stage. It’s easier to put planning right than recover from something that’s gone wrong.