Surviving The Cost Of Living Crisis: The Ultimate Guide For Landlords

Surviving The Cost Of Living Crisis: The Ultimate Guide For Landlords

How to communicate even when you disagree with your landlord or tenant

During the cost of living crisis it’s more likely that tenants are going to struggle to pay their rent and fall into arrears. This is a scary and unpleasant situation for both the tenant and the landlord and can have severe consequences for both. 

This case study, which happened during the tricky financial times of the pandemic, shows that good communication, especially when there is a short term problem, is often the best and quickest way to a successful conclusion to a difficult problem. 


How tenancy mediation can help landlords and tenants find the best solution

We were contacted by a landlord whose tenant had explained they were struggling to pay £800 a month in rent.

Because the tenant had been with them a long time – and contrary to the impression often given in the press that landlords will evict tenants at a moment’s notice – the landlord wanted to help. However, they were nervous about how things would get back on track in the future.

The Property Redress Scheme tenancy mediation service helped them agree that:

    The rent would be reduced from £800 to £650 for one year
    How the tenant would make up the payment shortfall would be reviewed after 12 months

Although the tenant requested an extension, it was agreed that the rent needed to go back up to £800 and a repayment plan was put in place for the tenant to pay off the arrears.

So the tenant was able to stay in their home, the landlord didn’t have to re-let the property and the rent shortfall was eventually made up.

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This is a great example of how mediation can work much better for everyone than going down the eviction route and ending up in court, which can be a drawn-out and stressful process.


Why you should use mediation

Evicting tenants and chasing rent arrears through the court takes time and money. What’s more, the courts will expect you to try and resolve matters before using the courts. The Property Redress Scheme tenancy mediation service can resolve the situation amicably:

It’s quick – they typically reach an agreement in 10 to 15 working days
It works – tenants work with the mediation service once they realise they’re not just on the landlord’s side
It saves you time, money and stress – the mediation service finds fast practical solutions without incurring expensive court proceedings

Need help and advice for dealing with a dispute? Do call 0203 907 1857 to find out more or start your mediation.

“Very often it takes a neutral third party to act as the go between, especially if the relationships have broken down. It’s great if a solution can be found quickly, but if neither party sees the others’ point of view, the involvement of a mediator to give them a reality check and present both sides of an argument can help bring them to a resolution. It’s not about winning or losing but getting the best result.”

– Sean Hooker, Head of Redress for the Property Redress Scheme