Making the Business Case for Upgrading Your Ease of Use

Making the Business Case for Upgrading Your Ease of Use

This post is part of a series sponsored by AgentSync.

If you look around at your agency, MGA, or carrier processes for compliance, contracting, and other manual old-school processes and think, “I’m over it,” then this one’s for you.

AgentSync has put together a how-to for those hoping to make the case internally that the right digital insurance products can break silos and increase overall ease-of-use scoring for their business.

Unfortunately, old-school processes plague a lot of areas of the insurance industry, including change management. So, to help you collect your thoughts and streamline your ability to “sell” AgentSync internally and make the case for improving your ease of doing business, we’ve put together Making the Case for AgentSync at Your Organization.

Insurance technology solutions for your compliance management problems

We know you’re looking for ways to improve your ease of doing business, and you’re probably bought in on the idea that insurance compliance management software and contracting management tools can be the solution. But getting the rest of the team on board isn’t always so easy.

Buying cycles, siloed teams that don’t agree on the problem, and technophobic attitudes hold back many otherwise growth-oriented companies.

With a handy step-by-step checklist, this guide walks through the process of advocating for change within a modern insurance business. Work out the kinks before you run ideas up the chain, and you’ll find it easier to make your case.

Making the Case for AgentSync at Your Organization can help you:

Identify stakeholders
Establish decision makers
Understand your business’s buying cycle
Propose a compelling case for how your ease of doing business can be transformed by innovative approaches to compliance management

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Getting collective buy-in on the problems is half the battle for the solution

With this guide, understand the different angles you can leverage to get everyone on the same page for your insurance software upgrade.

If you’re in tech and looking to transform your data management practices to be both more secure and more useful…
If you’re in compliance and you’re looking to avoid the impossibility of point-in-time checks that only happen monthly – or annually!…
If you’re in operations and you’re trying to free yourself or your team from the drudgery of eternal copy/paste and manual processes…
If you’re in legal and you’re tired of struggling with redlined drafts and contract changes…

We’re here for you. More than your shoulder to cry on, we’re ready to help you upgrade your processes and ease of doing business. Because frankly, it’s time.

Download “Making the Business Case for Upgrading Your Ease of Use” and get started on your insurance technological transformation for a better ease of doing business today.

Are outdated, manual producer management processes holding your insurance business back? See how our unique technology for producer management could help streamline your business for growth.

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