What's Up With All This Inflation?

question mark made of dollars

These policies initially sparked a recession in 1981 and 1982, with unemployment hitting 10% at one point. By the end of 1982, inflation had declined to 5% and the Fed Funds rate was back at 9%. This was deemed a success at the time. 

What Is the Inflation Rate in 2022?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, consumer prices rose 8.3% for the 12 months ended April 30, 2022. This is not a seasonally adjusted number. Expectations for the full year vary with many forecasts in the 6% annual range. 

What are the Social and Economic Factors Causing Inflation to Rise in 2022?

Experts point to a variety of factors that have caused the inflation that we are seeing so far in 2022. 

Strong Demand 

The generous $5 billion stimulus package put forth by the Biden administration helped to keep consumer demand for goods and services strong. These stimulus checks allowed consumers who were otherwise negatively affected by the pandemic to maintain their spending in many cases. 

Supply Chain Issues 

Supply chain issues across a vast array of industries have been widely reported by the news media. There have been stories of cargo ships stuck in ports with not enough workers to unload them. This has resulted in scarcity for many products, fueling higher prices. A key example is the price of gasoline. Shortages and high demand have resulted in near record costs at the gas station. 

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Raw Material Shortages

Related to supply chain issues are shortages of some key raw materials. In the case of food, some of this has been driven by issues in the agriculture sector, including the impact of droughts here and abroad, the bird flu epidemic and the war in Ukraine. All of this makes certain ingredients and raw materials harder to get and has served to drive prices up. 

Worker Shortages 

The Great Resignation has been widely documented in the media, and its impact has cut across virtually all industries. The pandemic has led many workers to either leave the workforce or to move on to “greener pastures” elsewhere. Many companies are having to offer more generous wage packages to attract and retain workers. This worker shortage extends beyond white-collar workers. Many restaurants, stores and even gas stations are having staffing issues.

Will Inflation Decline or Level Off in 2022?

Many experts are predicting that inflation will level off a bit as we move forward in 2022, perhaps ending the year around 6%. This is still high compared with what the economy has experienced in recent years.

Predicting the future is tricky at best. The direction of inflation will depend on a number of factors, including the effectiveness of the Federal Reserve’s policies and the ability of companies to solve their supply chain issues.

In a recent Q&A session, Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic advisor of Allianz, pointed out that a quick drop in the rate of inflation would signal that consumer demand had been severely “damaged.”

What Are Some Possible Outcomes for the Economy Should Inflation Remain at This Rate?

Prolonged high inflation can have a negative impact on the economy and the markets. Some possible examples include: 

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A continued high inflation rate could push the prices of many goods and services out of the reach of many consumers. Lower consumer demand could adversely affect revenue and profits of many companies and ultimately affect their stock price.
Continued inflation may cause the Federal Reserve to keep pushing interest rates higher. This will make it more difficult for many consumers to borrow to finance major purchases such as homes and cars. It could also result in higher interest costs for variable-rate loans, These higher interest costs will serve to reduce consumer demand for many other goods and services.
Sustained high inflation could lead to a recession if the Fed decides to take drastic action in terms of restrictive monetary policies and continued interest rate increases. 

Obviously, nobody knows how our current inflation issues will turn out or how long they will persist. 

What Can We Do to Fight Inflation?

From a governmental perspective, the Federal Reserve generally takes the lead in fighting inflation. Its main tools are monetary policy and interest rates. We are currently seeing the Fed use these tools; time will tell how successful the strategy is in combating inflation. 

Price controls are another governmental tool. These were notably used in the early 1970s by then-President Richard Nixon. While they initially seemed to work, inflation proceeded to skyrocket to record highs a few years later.

Businesses and individuals can try to make changes in the way they spend and invest to try to stay ahead of inflation. Each situation is different, however.

Inflation and Your Clients

Inflation can have a profound impact on your client’s financial health. 

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Inflation, combined with rising interest rates, can have a negative aspect on your client’s fixed income investments. In the case of stocks, certain companies will fare better than others under inflationary pressures. This might be a time to consider TIPS for your clients. At the very least, it is a good time to review their investment strategy for any potential adjustments.   


Inflation is the enemy of retirees. Many retirees are on a fixed or semi-fixed income. You will want to revisit your client’s retirement withdrawal strategy and make any needed changes to help ensure that they will not outlive their money.   

Social Security 

A key component of most retirees’ income strategy is Social Security. So far the COLA for 2022 and the projected increase for 2023 have been fairly robust. For clients already taking Social Security, this is great. For those who have not yet claimed their benefit, inflation and COLAs are factors to consider in deciding when to claim their benefits. 

The impact of inflation is felt throughout the economy, including by your clients. Be sure to discuss the potential impact of inflation on their financial situation with them. They will be looking to you for planning suggestions to help navigate through this current bout of inflation combined with high interest rates.