Private Medical: Incentive or essential?

Is private medical an incentive or essential? - A-Plan Insurance

Many believe that the NHS is underfunded, understaffed and overstretched; the pandemic has all but broken the health service in recent years. The UK institution that has been around for over 70 years is now struggling to provide much needed treatments. So what is the solution?

A complete overhaul of the NHS may be needed, but is hardly a realistic expectation. Any changes that are made, are likely to take years to implement. In the interim, to protect your team, and with the current skills shortage in mind, could the time be right to consider a form of private healthcare?

Private healthcare – affordable options

Your employees are your business. What would you do if they were unable to work for many months while awaiting treatment on the NHS?

Private Medical Insurance helps thousands of people every year – from diagnosing a problem, undergoing treatment, and any necessary aftercare. With the development of better technology including ‘digital GPs’ offering video calls, many insurers now boast of referral times in days. Compare this to the NHS where you could be waiting months.

Private healthcare – benefits to a business

The benefits to your employees and your business include:

Reduced waiting times – record waiting lists estimate 6.4 million people are currently waiting for treatment on the NHS.  Having a form of medical insurance often allows you to get treatment quicker, particularly for non–urgent treatment.Greater choice – in the private sector, not only can you choose your hospital and specialist, but some policies will even help guide you to the most appropriate specialist, to help you get the treatment you need quicker.Convenience and peace of mind – being able to plan your treatment to suit your busy life and commitments is important.Privacy and quality of care – Private facilities typically include your own room, en-suite bathroom, more flexibility over visiting times, and a far better nurse-to-patient ratio than you will find in the NHS.

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Private medical now comes with added benefits

Medical insurance has also evolved over the years and many providers will not only be there to step in and help with treatments when required, they also help encourage a healthier lifestyle. Some offer discounts on gym membership and subsidised annual health checks, while others can offer cashback for alternative therapies and direct access to counselling services, to help protect your employees mental health.

Private healthcare encourages your employees to be healthier – and a healthier individual will be less likely to be absent from work.

How much is private medical cover?

COVID may not be dominating the headlines as it has done for the past two years, but the impact on the NHS will be felt for a generation. Can you afford not to protect your workforce?

These days, there is a huge range of private healthcare options available to suit most budgets. There are some key factors that will affect the costs including the chosen cover level, the age of your employees and their location, however you will have the flexibility to choose what you would like to cover, and what you don’t.

It is imperative to get expert advice. We can help you research and navigate the market to understand the products and ensure that you get the right cover to meet your own business needs. Call us today on 01242 894930