Clubhouse Insurance Conditions for Kitchen Equipment

Clubhouse Insurance Conditions for Kitchen Equipment

What do clubs need to know about kitchen equipment safety?

In the insurance sector at the moment, and alongside the current hard market, insurers are tightening up on claims payments. Many policies include safe requirement conditions, these are acts that must be done or avoided by the insured in order to remain covered. The insured may lose their right to cover, and therefore payment, if the conditions of these policies are not met.

Although some specific conditions may not be included in clubhouse insurance policies, because we see them in other sectors such as leisure and hospitality, we do expect them to come into force soon. Henceforth, we would recommend clubs start to alter practices and procedures to be inline with these conditions. This will improve safety, reduce risk, and prepare clubs for the expected changes to policy conditions.

A good insurance broker highlights potential changes and commonly overlooked small print that may affects your premises. If you do not believe your broker has gone over and above expectation, please contact Club Insure and we will help guide you through policy conditions and upcoming changes.

Insurance Conditions Tips for Clubhouses and Kitchens

At Club Insure, we’ve picked out a few specific conditions which we think really need to be paid attention to. Guttering and flat rooves have conditions specific to them, needing to be regularly surveyed. All frying and cooking equipment has conditions that must be met for reasons of safety and liability. Insurance around tumble dryers also include stringent conditions which could affect cover. And a very common policy stipulation includes bins – or specifically – locked waste containers.

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It’s important to alter your business practices in order to accommodate these conditions. These are expected to be introduced on clubhouse and kitchen policies soon, or perhaps are already stipulated in your agreement. Therefore, to remain insured, follow the guidance provided

Flat Roof and Guttering Insurance Conditions

Any flat roof on your premises must be inspected every two years by a qualified builder or property surveyor to ensure it is in a good state of repair. Guttering must be checked for blockages and defects every six months, commencing at creation or renewal. A record of all inspection should be kept as it will be needed upon inspection by the insurer. These inspections will be necessary to ensure you remain covered in case a claim is made, perhaps in the event of flooding or a leak.

Deep Fat Fryer Insurance Conditions

Attendance of all frying and cooking equipment when operational and up to an hour after operation is mandatory for operators. Operators must remain in the immediate proximity at all times. At Club Insure, we understand this stipulation as meaning the operator cannot leave the room while the deep fat fryer is on. This also stretches to one hour after completion for any period of use.

All frying and cooking equipment includes deep fat fryers, chip fryers, hot plates, ovens, air fryers, hobs, pans, stoves, kilns and furnaces. These must be at least 300mm away from any combustible materials as well as any of the building’s structure.

A fire blanket and a minimum of two fire extinguishers must be kept within the vicinity of the range and regularly maintained. All oily and greasy waste should be kept in metal bins and removed from the premises at the end of each day.

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Frying and cooking equipment insurance demands lots of action and procedure on the part of the operator. Talk to Club Insure to understand the full extent of all procedures your club needs to ensure they follow in order to remain covered.

Removal of Waste and Waste Storage Conditions

All waste and refuse must be cleared daily and removed from the premises at least once a week. Keep a record of removal in case your insurer requests it.

It’s imperative all combustible waste storage is kept at least 2 meters from any part of the premises. This includes bins outside which need to be set away from the building. At Club Insure, we have experienced claims be rejected due to this stipulation not being followed. If a fire occurs within your bins, it could cause sever smoke and fire damage to your building, damages which you do not want to be paying to rectify.

Tumble Dryer Insurance Conditions

If you have a tumble dryer at your club, you must be aware of the insurance conditions according to its use in order to remain financially protected. These conditions include stipulations such as all oily and greasy materials to be suitably washed with a degreasing agent before tumble dried.

Dryers must not be left unattended whilst in operation. Dryers should be cleaned after each cycle, and waste materials must be removed to be suitably disposed of. They need to be completely unloaded at least an hour before operators leave the premises in order to cool and items aired. Use a non-combustible surface to air items before folding – this limits risk of burns.

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Contact Club Insure to learn your policies specific clubhouse insurance conditions

If you are unsure of the insurance conditions surrounding elements of your club, talk to us at Club Insure. You will be connected to an expert who will review your insurance portfolio and help advise on where you could be at risk. We utilise our 20 years of expertise and provide our clients with the best deals, advise and comprehensive insurance portfolios possible.

Our mission is to see sports and social clubs thrive, helping entertainment and leisure venues continue to grow and succeed. Talk to us about your policies today.

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