Ep 120 Michael Millette: The best market opportunities for 20 years

Ep 120 Michael Millette: The best market opportunities for 20 years

April 26, 2022

Today’s guest is someone I have been meaning to get on the show since this podcast started over two years ago.

That’s because he is one of the smartest and most eloquent executives anywhere in the sector.

We overuse the word pioneer but Michael Millette has made a career out of innovating at the highest end of our business.

He and a handful of others created the ILS market out of nothing in the mid-1990s.

Then after two incredibly successful decades at Goldman Sachs, in 2016 he launched Hudson Structured Capital Management.

Hudson Structured is a pretty unique business because it is combining alternative asset management and finance with venture capital.

I can’t think of another business in insurance with such eclectic tastes. It can get involved in the sector from so many angles and at so many points in the value chain.

It’s fascinating and very liberating.

Mike has an incredibly broad and deep understanding of the insurance and reinsurance sector, all the way up from the first dollar of personal lines premium to the last cat bond bought by a long-term investor.

He is also fun and outspoken and is never afraid to take an unambiguous view on topics.

In this podcast we cover a huge variety of subject matter, from the mid-year cat renewals to ABC which is Mike’s shorthand for ‘All But Cat”!

For me he’s one of those people who make you feel like your IQ just went up a few points after you have spent some time in their company.

See also  Reinsurers forecast an active hurricane season for 2024

So I won’t come between you and enlightenment any longer.

Enjoy the podcast

I let one abbreviation get through the interview unexplained. That was CR/I, which is short for Catastrophe Reinsurance.

We thank our naming sponsor AdvantageGo:

We also thank our advertiser Anaplan and Conor Donohoe and Daniel Ellis for coming on the show to explain what Anaplan’s platform does for the insurance sector.
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