Does using an Insulin Pump affect Diabetic Life Insurance Rates?

Does using an Insulin Pump affect Diabetic Life Insurance Rates?

Last Updated on March 10, 2022

It’s no secret that anyone with a chronic health condition such as Diabetes, will inevitably – more than likely – end up paying a higher premium for their Diabetes life insurance policy than someone who is in predominantly perfect health.  Those with Type 1 Diabetes will always have a challenging time finding life insurance coverage.  We will share this with you right away.  For some people with Type 1 Diabetes, the use of an insulin pump insurance may help out with lower life insurance rates.

Those with Type 1 Diabetes will always have a challenging time finding insulin pump insurance coverage and wonder are insulin pumps covered by insurance?

As we continue to reiterate in our articles on this website, almost 99% of all applicants with Type 1 Diabetes will receive offers of coverage at a sub-standard rating. Sub-standard rating is also referred to as a table rating.  Simply meaning extra premiums will be added to the life insurance policy.  The higher the table rating, the higher the premium for life insurance will be.

Many websites intentionally mislead the Diabetes community by showing quotes using a Standard, Standard Plus, or even a Preferred insurance ratings.  This is downright criminal, as again less than 1% of all Type 1 applicants receive ratings like this.  It’s always sad when we see sites like Investopedia, Forbes, or Zander Insurance provide misinformation to people with diabetes.

Please do NOT let yourself be tricked by fake quotes, and information reflecting ratings like this.  The fact of the matter is simple.  Life insurance for Type 1 Diabetes is going to be more expensive, compared to those living without Diabetes.

Most people don’t know that despite a chronic health diagnosis, it is possible to avoid excessively high premiums while maintaining a policy that is suitable for your family.  But how will a life insurance company view your use of an insulin pump? Does insurance cover insulin pumps? Here’s a hint- usually very favorably.

Topics Covered in this Article

Type 1 Diabetes Life Insurance Overview

If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes – even if you’re receiving insulin therapy by way of an insulin pump, you can be found eligible for an affordable diabetic life insurance policy capable of providing your family the financial security they need should you pass unexpectedly.  Currently, prices for life insurance for type 1 diabetics are at all time lows.  In addition, more and more companies are now considering diabetes type 1 for coverage.

What many people with Type 1 Diabetes don’t understand, is that using an insulin pump could help your overall health profile look more favorable to certain life insurance companies.  On the other hand, other life insurance companies may rate you higher due to possible issues that may occur when using a type of Diabetes related technology.  Insurance underwriters generally are a ‘little behind’ the times when it comes to advancements in diabetes and technology.

Sadly, some insurance underwriters are not familiar with the advancements made with insulin pumps through the years.  Due to this, an underwriter may be fearful of an insulin pump not working properly, and delivering the correct units of insulin to an individual.  Other companies and underwriters are understanding of the positives this technology brings to the table.  Obviously, if using an insulin pump, you’d want to work with specific companies that are going to reward you for the use of technology to control your diabetes.

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Now we do not expect you to know all of this, or spend hours researching this subject.  But rather we invite you to call us at 888-629-3064 and speak with a licensed agent on this matter.  Remember everyone’s health profile is different, and the best life insurance policies will vary from individual to individual.  There is NO one ‘best’ company for anyone with Type 1 Diabetes.  This is simply the way it is.

What many people with Type 1 Diabetes don’t understand, is that using an insulin pump could help your overall health profile look more favorable to certain life insurance companies. Insulin pump covered by insurance is affordable. On the other hand, other life insurance companies may rate you higher due to possible issues that may occur when using a type of Diabetes related technology.  Now we do not expect you to know all of this, or spend hours researching this subject.  But rather we invite you to call us at 888-629-3064 and speak with a licensed agent on this matter.

When a person with Type 1 Diabetes begins to search out their life insurance options, it’s extremely important to work with agents who specialize in working with the Diabetes community.  That’s where we come in! We can help make recommendations based off your health profile, and what your financial objectives are. A friendly agent will work with you, and help determine what companies are best for your personal situation.

Unfortunately, lots of insurance agents are not properly trained to help people with Type 1 Diabetes find affordable life insurance coverage.  They don’t know that some companies will rate you higher, for using this type of Diabetes technology.  Don’t make that mistake!!  Call us at 888-629-3064 to speak with a licensed agent.

What Do Insurance Companies Look At?

Your Recent A1C Levels:

Life insurance companies put an emphasis on a person’s A1C reading and glucose readings.  Not only will they want a current reading, but they’ll review the last three to 5 years worth of Diabetes readings.  Companies understand that A1C levels go up and down, to some degree. Companies like to see that your being compliant with Doctor’s instructions,and are seeing your Doctor two to four times per year.

Certain life insurance companies put more of an emphasis than others on the A1C readings.  We’ve seen certain companies make better offers if your A1C is below 7.0 or even below 6.0.  Or some companies just want an A1C below 8.0. This is why it’s important to have a conversation with us, and allow us to determine what life insurance companies are in your best interest.

Ideally, life insurance companies want your A1C reading to be 7.5 or lower.  One way to lower your premiums, is to show companies your A1C is well controlled.  If being able to do this, companies will apply “healthy lifestyle” credits to your case, which in turn lowers the insurance premium.  Depending on your age at time of applying, you may be able to simply share with an underwriter the last few years of medical records.  Oftentimes this information would be sufficient to receive an offer of coverage.

If your A1C is 10.0 or above, life insurance companies that require a blood and urine test, will more then likely decline you.  However, depending on your complete health profile, you may qualify for a non-medical exam life insurance policy.  Like the name suggests, no medical exam, or blood/urine tests would NOT be needed.  Generally, the ‘higher’ your A1C reading is, the less options you’ll have in terms of insurance companies to choose from.

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Method of Insulin Delivery:

Many diabetics receive insulin therapy in some form. For those that use oral drugs, such as Metformin, and are able to successfully control their condition by this route of insulin delivery, are usually in pretty good shape when it comes to determining eligibility and premium quotes.

For diabetics who take insulin therapy by route of injection or insulin pump, premiums are typically higher due to having Type 1 Diabetes.   If you do use an insulin pump, you will want to tell your agent this up front, as some companies will view you as a greater risk.  You don’t want to apply to a life insurance company, who’s going to rate your policy higher, and drive up the premiums.

On the other hand, some companies view an Insulin pump as a positive, and will rate your policy lower.  Life Insurance companies are slowly starting to understand Diabetes related technology. Many Type 1 Diabetics are using insulin pumps, or even Controlled Glucose Monitoring devices. For certain health profiles, the usage of Diabetes technology may provide the opportunity for a table rating to be ‘shaved off’.  Meaning less expensive premiums.


Male, Age 45, Diagnosed Type 1 at age 13.  No diabetes complications, 7.3 A1C reading and uses an insulin pump.  Wants a $100,000 policy for 20 years

Company A would rate him higher, due to the use of Insulin Pump. The annual premium they offer is $700

Company B understands the use and need of Diabetes technology. Their annual premium is $600 annually

This example shows a savings of $2,000 over the life of policy.  There are better ways to spend your hard earned money, then to overpay for life insurance coverage.

To find out what life insurance companies are best for you, simply contact us.  A quick 5 minute phone call is all it takes. Taking out a policy with the wrong life insurance company could end up costing you thousands of dollars, over the lifetime of the policy.

Age of Onset:

Another tricky factor when it comes to Diabetes and life insurance, is your age of Diabetes onset.  Some companies may not offer coverage if being diagnosed before age Ten. Other companies would have no problem with being diagnosed as a child with Diabetes as long as the Diabetes is controlled.

Most companies also prefer people to be diagnosed later in life, and may offer better rates.  While other life insurance companies are simply worried about a person’s complete health profile.  

It’s even now possible for children with Type 1 Diabetes to obtain a life insurance policy as a child with Diabetes.  We’ve helped several families find policies on their type 1 children of ages 0 to 25.

In most cases, younger applicants have the immediate upper hand – however, when it comes to age of onset, having been diagnosed at a more mature age bodes better for premium rates. Diabetes can take a real toll on the vascular, nervous, and endocrine systems and has the potential to cause quite a few undesirable complications and health risks.

The longer you’ve had, or will have, diabetes, the more liability you are presumed to present. So, if you’re 50 and have just recently been diagnosed with diabetes, don’t assume that your chances are slim for obtaining a quality policy at an affordable premium.  Some life insurance companies may consider for Standard, or even Preferred life insurance rates.

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Don’t feel overwhelmed! Simply reach out to us, and let us work with you, and help you find the best priced policy for you and your family.

Overall Health Status:

Do you exercise regularly? Do you eat well and generally take good care of yourself? Are you a non-smoker? If you’ve answered yes to these questions, you’ve got a lot of good in your corner. Receiving a chronic diagnosis like diabetes doesn’t equate to an immediate disqualification for eligibility to purchase life insurance and it doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to face the ultimatum that is pay an astronomical premium rate or forfeit coverage.

Showing life insurance companies that you live a healthy lifestyle will only help your chances of getting approved.  Or it may help get you lower rates.  Maybe you use FitBit’s.  Some companies are now offering discounts if you share your ‘data’ and lifestyle information with them.  Don’t feel like you have to do all the research on your own.  Simply contact us and let us find you the right carrier of life insurance.

Do you have any other health issues?  Companies will ask about the history of Cancer, Sleep Apnea, Heart Attacks, Strokes, and other health ailments.  To find out what the best life insurance company is, for your given health profile, you’ll need to speak with an agent, and provide all of this information to them.  From there, the agent can share with you the best possible options for you.

Life insurance companies take into consideration all of your health information, and they will make an underwriting decision.  All companies will view your profile differently, but your agent should be able to obtain multiple offers from various companies.  You do not want to work with an agent, who ONLY works with one company. Please make sure they represent several companies, and are an independent life insurance agent.

Final Thoughts

As a diabetic receiving insulin therapy, especially by way of insulin pump, pursuing an application for life insurance can be scary and discouraging due to preconceived perceptions about the impact that your diagnosis will have on your eligibility. Fortunately, those fears are somewhat misguided. There is a suitable life insurance policy for everyone. By managing the factors that are in your control, you will ultimately reserve a lower premium for yourself – making the peace of mind that life insurance provides even more attainable.

Like we discussed, certain life insurance companies may view the use of diabetes technology more favorably than others.  Applying to the right insurance carrier may lead to you saving thousands of dollars over the life of the policy.  Don’t make the mistake of over paying for life insurance!!!

Lean on us, and our expertise.  We love working with the Diabetes community, and would love the opportunity to work with you, and help you find the best possible life insurance policy available to you.

Even if you’ve been declined life insurance in the past, don’t give up on seeking out coverage.  Chances are, you may have worked with the wrong type of agent, or applied to the wrong life insurance company.

Having Diabetes is tough enough. Don’t put off finding valuable life insurance coverage any longer. Contact us today! A quick phone call to 888-629-3064 is all it takes.