When is the right time to make a career move?

When is the right time to make a career move?

I hope you enjoy my regular leadership and Insurance industry related blogs, together with other thought provoking and hopefully motivational blogs.

When is the right time to make a career move, is a question I’ve been asked many times over the years – or put another way, why make a career move? Is the grass always greener?

From experience many individuals consider a career move but don’t take action and follow through. Often the reason is a fear of change and moving to the unknown.

Start with clarity of thinking:

What concerns and frustrations do you have in your current position and what would you like to see changed or improved?
What do you want to achieve in your career?
What do you enjoy, what are you best at, where can you add the most value?
What environment and culture do you enjoy and thrive in?
What new skills or experience do you need or want to learn?
Can you achieve this in your current role and company?

You may conclude that you need to change roles, however have you explored options internally within your own organisation.

Additional questions to ask yourself:

What would you look for in another organisation and role that you’re not getting with your current company?
Depending on your answer, what impact would it have on your experience and career if you didn’t make that move?

Now you may only have minor frustrations (or none at all) that can that be resolved by an open and frank discussion with your boss or line Manager. Often that is the best option – do you have a coach or mentor you can ask for impartial help and advice?

You may be at the top of your game and enjoy what you do, but just need that next challenge.

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If you’re considering a career move or need some help and advice either myself or one of our experienced consultants would be happy to have a confidential discussion.

We offer a free and confidential bespoke candidate approach – please click here.

Take care, all the best.


Gary Pike, Founder & MD Right International

Tel: +441932 800222 Email: garypike@rightinternational.com

Right International is a market leading recruitment firm who specialise in sourcing the top talent across the claims and wider insurance market.