Gallatin Board of Education approves salary schedule and health insurance rates – kttn

Gallatin Missouri High School FInal

The Gallatin R-5 Board of Education approved the salary schedule and health insurance renewal rates.

The 2022-2023 salary schedule has a base of $33,000. Board Secretary Vicki Corwin reports the base was raised from $32,200.

Health insurance is through the Missouri Educators Unified Health Plan.

The board approved opening a savings account and certificate of deposit for The Major General Homer S. Long, Junior Memorial Scholarship Fund. Board Member Jeff Donovan, Corwin, and Middle School Principal Justin Collins will be the authorized signers for each account. The board last month offered Collins the superintendent position, beginning July 1st.

After a closed session, action was taken on personnel matters.

Chris Wever was hired as middle school principal for next school year. He is currently a seventh and eighth-grade social studies teacher.

Wever was also offered an assistant golf coach position for the 2022 season.

Resignations were accepted from Seventh and Eighth Grade Math/Computers Teacher Amy McNeely, Paraprofessional Shelley Elbert, Sixth Grade Math/Science Teacher Aaron Lewis, and Second Grade teachers Sheri Croy and Sariah Williams. Those resignations will be effective at the end of this school year.

A resignation was accepted from Library Aide/Paraprofessional Nichole Gregornik, effective March 2nd. A resignation was also accepted from Volunteer Jeff Donovan for Junior High Basketball Coach. Donovan abstained from the vote.

The board voted to hire Gretchen Brashear and Teri Robinson for teaching positions for next school year. Kelsey Greene was hired for a special education paraprofessional position and Nikki Berry for the library aide paraprofessional position for next school year. Drew Prindle was hired for a custodial position. Chad Sullenger was hired as activity director.

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The board offered all elementary, middle school, and high school probationary teachers a teaching position for next school year. Guidance counselors Carrie Crouse and Deanna Widerholt were offered guidance counselor positions for next school year.

Others offered positions for next school year were Carrie Cook for part-time special education coordinator, Debbie Cross and Julie Rains for part-time teaching positions, Stephanie Lollar for food service director, Philip Berry for transportation director, and David McLey for the head custodian. Secretary positions were offered to Carol Walker, Missy Chadwick, Terri Feiden, and Karen Johnson. Bookkeeper was offered to Vicki Corwin, and the nursing position was offered to Jennifer Bottcher.

The board approved all tenured teachers. Board Member Jesse Bird abstained. Carly Talbert was approved to be tenured for next school year.

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