Update on the Construction Sector highlighting Subcontractors

With an election in the offing and promises galore from everywhere about what might happen if….. subject to the possibility of all things being equal, enough financial engineering can be used to find a few scraps from the mountain of tax revenues versus payments to give each of us a penny or two. 

We will undoubtedly start to drift away from the TV, newspapers and internet as the endless numbers and scrutiny not forgetting the debates and hustings become too large to take in. 

Yes it’s a massive issue of democracy, undeniably and when it’s all over what happens? One thing is for sure not what we thought was going to happen. Sooner rather than later we return to look in the mirror and decide nothing really beats a good cup of tea what’s happening under our own roof. 

Insurance suffers the conflict of trying to appeal to the mass yet accepting no one is the same. Some Insurers see us as numbers bulking us into different socio economic groups and whatever new geeky term floats their boats.

Over time Trident as a Broker have come to see which Insurers are extremely good at delivering the cover needed and those who are the great pretenders. We see what’s advertised and very few say exactly what they mean, which is why we feel it’s better to place your cover with Insurers who will not look to weasel their way out of their obligations when things go wrong 

For years we have got used to price being the sole marker that makes the difference, because after all Insurance companies are all the same right?  Well it’s a big fat no from here, because that’s exactly what the comparison sites would like you to believe so you can sit at home and but without any worries and pay for something that many a time isn’t worth the paper it’s written on 

See also  2023 Underwriters of the Year | Kevin McDermott, Senior Personal Lines Underwriter, Aviva

As you saw with energy prices comparison sites are not delivering what you really need, because the best deals are not being recommended, and in a word you’ve been stuffed.  It’s the same with personal and commercial insurance. The screen just does not show you the best rates any more.

Yes you’re very busy, the kids are driving you mad and you hate paying for insurance. At best it’s a pain and if you never have had a claim then it’s a rip off right?

Well Trident Personal and Trident Commercial Insurance don’t see any value in the comparison sites. To us, nothing beats access directly to Insurance Underwriters to make sure you get the right price that fits your needs and not one full of exemptions and exclusions.

Trident are growing through word of mouth quietly and we like it that way. We disagree with the FCA that Clients should be treated fairly and reasonably. That’s stating the obvious and you don’t need the cost of a £600 million regulatory body to tell you that. Its stating the ruddy obvious!!  

Our policy is simple we put our Clients first, always. So when your renewal comes up elsewhere see the difference that Trident Insurance makes on pricing, cover and service    

We are confident you will be pleasantly surprised.