How To Communicate With Employees Regarding Their Health Benefits

How To Communicate With Employees Regarding Their Health Benefits

Offering a comprehensive health insurance plan is only the beginning. As an employer, you need to educate your workers about what exactly the plan entails. Providing employee benefits is a great way to improve worker retention and morale, so do not invest in a plan only to have your employees remain unsatisfied. ​

Offer In-Person Advice

You do not want to give your employees a stack of papers outlining the plan without giving them an opportunity to ask questions. You and your broker can hold a seminar with everyone in the conference room to go over the plan and open the floor to inquiries. It can be beneficial to host these chats during open enrollment when you are reviewing potential new plans.

Seek Out Employees’ Opinions

You do not want to simply select a random health insurance policy. You want something that works ideally for the type of workers you have. Therefore, when open enrollment comes around, you can send out surveys to your workers asking their opinions on how satisfied they have been with their health coverage so far. If they are pleased, then you can probably keep things the way they are. However, you may also receive constructive criticism on how the plan could improve. You can make these surveys anonymous, so no one feels self-conscious about what they write. 

Utilize a Mix of Digital and Print Media

You can keep your employees abreast of the latest offerings by utilizing text messages, email updates and physical documents. Texts are great for reminding workers of impending deadlines concerning coverage. Emails can have more detailed messages, and you can implement various forms of mixed media. For example, you can create educational how-to videos on how employees can sign up for coverage on their own. 

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However, you do not want to neglect the power of paper. People may not always have access to a phone or computer. Physical documents are especially helpful when an employee wants to review a policy with a family member. Print materials are also good for particularly large businesses where not everyone will have a specialized work email. Through using email, text and paper, you guarantee that everyone will have some way to learn about the plan. 

Get Assistance With Sackett Insurance Services

Sackett & Associates Insurance Services makes the health insurance acquisition process as simple as can be for employers and employees alike. Business owners in the Sonoma County region can reach out to us through our 
online form. You can also follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to stay informed about changes to the California insurance system.