Legislation proposes health insurance coverage for all Delaware children – WDEL 1150AM

Legislation proposes health insurance coverage for all Delaware children - WDEL 1150AM

Legislation was introduced into the Delaware General Assembly on Friday, February 11, 2022, that would ensure medical coverage would be made available for all children in Delaware, including the undocumented.

State Representative Krista Griffith (D – Fairfax) is primary sponsor of the the Cover All Delaware Children Act.

“A child resident of Delaware whose family income is low enough that they would qualify on that basis for Medicaid or CHIP, but who would not otherwise be eligible for the federal programs due to immigration status, will become eligible for coverage under the state run program,” said Griffith.

Griffith said for the coalition of health, education, community, and legal advocates for kids, this legislation is personal.

“For years they have witnessed heart wrenching examples of what happens to a child when he or she does not have meaningful access to preventative care and treatment,” said Griffith.

Griffith, who served as a Deputy Attorney General in the Department of Justice under the administrations of Beau Biden and Matt Denn, said the bill has personal meaning as well due to her son’s battle with leukemia.

“He regularly saw doctors and so our family was fortunate that doctors were able to immediately suspect, test, and diagnose his cancer,” said Griffith. “I know that without access to preventative care and treatment he would have died.”

State Senator Sarah McBride (D – Claymont) reiterated that all kids should have access to basic health coverage.

“Which I believe should not just be a privilege of circumstance, but a fundamental human right based on a foundational human need,” said McBride.

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The program was not included in Governor John Carney’s budge recommendation, but McBride said there are long term benefits by initiating it now.

“We truly believe that in the long run this is not just a compassionate policy, but a financially responsible policy,” said McBride. “The reality for these kids right now in terms of the limited scope of care that they’re able to access, it is an inefficient way to deliver healthcare to these young people.”

Griffith said it’s estimated that as many as one-thousand children would enroll in the program in its first year, with an initial cost of at least $2 million.

“In the long run by expanding coverage to ensure that these young people are able to get the full range of health care needs, including preventative care, that’s not only going to improve health outcomes for these children but help to lower costs in treating them and healthcare costs overall,” said McBride.

Bill supporters said there are approximately 5,000 children who are undocumented in Delaware.

The legislation was assigned to the Health and Human Development Committee.