A parent’s playbook for getting kids off to varsity

A parent's playbook for getting kids off to varsity

So, your child is about to fly out of the nest, heading off to university, and you’re a ball of mixed emotions. Excitement, sadness, worry, pride. You feel them all. But hey, no pressure, right? You’re only preparing them for 1 of the most transformative times of their lives. Let’s inject a bit of fun into the process, shall we?

Academics are important, but there’s more

We know, we know. Academics are important. You’ve spent 18 years drilling that into their heads, haven’t you? But here’s a reality check: University isn’t all about studies. There are life skills to learn, friends to make, and memories to create. So, ensure they know how to balance academics with social life. Also, teach them about responsibility and accountability, with a dash of fun, of course.

Budgeting 101: Because money doesn’t grow on trees

Here’s a fact: Once at university, your child will transform into a magical creature that consumes inordinate amounts of food and cash. So, before they leave, ensure you’ve shared your budgeting secrets. Break it down to them; how much they’ll get, what it should cover, and the fact that money doesn’t spontaneously regenerate.

Cooking: Burnt toast isn’t a full meal

Universities in South Africa aren’t known for their Michelin-star restaurants and canteens. Sad but true. Therefore, teaching your child basic cooking skills can prevent many a hangry breakdown. Start with something simple like pasta. Who knows? You might unleash the next MasterChef!

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Insurance for their car: A must-have safety blanket

Let’s talk about cars. They’re more than just shiny, cool rides for university students. They’re transportation, freedom, and a ticket to weekend getaways. But wait, what about insurance for their car? Trust us. It’s more important than the newest iPhone.

Enter King Price. A superhero of sorts in the realm of car cover in South Africa. They offer simple cheap insurance, making it an economical choice for students with smaller budgets. With King Price, your child can be comprehensively covered against accidents, theft, and those ‘I-can’t-believe-I-just-did-that’ moments. And yes, we know they’ll have a few of those.

Wrap up: Hugs, goodbyes, and more hugs

So, there you have it. You’re ready to send your young adult off to university in South Africa, armed with knowledge, skill, and great cover for their car. Yes, it’ll be emotional. But remember, the goal is to prepare them for the real world, not protect them from it. Good luck!

You’ve prepped your child for university life. Now let’s secure their ride. Get a commitment-free quote from King Price today. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’ll give you peace of mind knowing that when your child is on the road, they’re protected. You can never be too prepared when it comes to your child’s safety.


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A parent’s playbook for getting kids off to varsity


Preparing your young adult for university in South Africa involves more than just academics. Don’t forget important factors like insurance for their cars with King Price. Read on for essential tips!

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